I’ve had countless emails from young women who told me they burst into tears when they began reading my blog because they felt like they finally found someone who understood their pain or what they were going through.

That completely breaks my heart, that girls are not finding this support anywhere else in their lives, but I’m happy that they’re able to locate some sort of solace in what I talk about even if it simply makes them feel better for that one, tough afternoon when they come home from school after a hard day or something.
That is astounding, especially, when you consider why you began the site! And I guess it exemplifies the need out there for honest conversation about bodies and even sexuality to a particular level. As I mentioned previously, your posts are very devoid of artifice, very reliable, in the sense that you simply show and tell it like it is including shots of hairs on your own nipples, discussions about anuses, graphics of menstruation. These are such common events, and though still taboo to discuss, let alone display. What made you pick to show/discuss these, and even say I think it (bleeding) makes me powerful and strong”? Is it simpler to be fair about these special issues when unattributable?
BtoB: I think I’m quite honest about this stuff even when I’m not anonymous. I will have a discussion with my friends about our bodies, or their “odd” sexual dreams, or reveal them my ingrown hairs. I would merely think about it for a second and figure out how I felt, then tell them.
There are some parts of my body that I am still a little bit squeamish about or feel odd about, but I’ve understood that talking about it is the simplest way to get over it. It’s funny, because a lot of times I don’t understand what I am going to say about a picture at all.
I merely take an image of something, my span, for example, and then I set it on my computer and stare at it for a bit and then just start writing. Occasionally I know what I’d like to say, but more often than not it only starts pouring out of me and I recognize how I feel as I am writing it.
Intriguing, so in a way, it’s a learning process for you as well. Why do you presume that caused such a stir? And why particularly with girls, as you point out?
BtoB: That was an interesting discovery. https//:yahoo.com ‘ve undoubtedly received more strange looks from women in daily life in regards to my armpit hair than from guys, which is what I talked about further back on my website. But the Nerve and Reddit remarks came from lots of guys too, I think.
It is like people have this bizarre misconception that women either aren’t supposed to grow armpit hair, that it is “unnatural” (which is insane because it’s entirely natural!) or that it makes a girl gross and “unhygienic.”
It was actually truly eye-opening for me to see that much hate created about that topic because I exist in a somewhat safe bubble when you consider it. The individuals who follow my Tumblr follow it because they enjoy me and what I’m doing.
They share it with their friends who also enjoy exactly the same things, and so forth. Nevertheless , while my images (not even ones targeted at my armpits, only ones that showed it as part of a different matter) found their way to “the internet at large,” it was a surprising upsurge of negativity and hate about my hair. It was kind of a wake up call that this small world I’m in where everybody is quite encouraging and joyful and positive is by no means a representation of how everybody actually feels about these things.
Which is really the main theme of your blog, body hair! As a naturist, it is been fascinating to find the development of body hair, particularly pubic hair. It’s fairly ordinary to see men and women of all ages, without pubic hair now. Why do you believe society has such an aversion to hair there?

BtoB: I actually can’t figure that out. I mean, certainly I could say it’s all the media or the desire to appear youthful or a huge scam by razor companies and it is all marketing, but I do not know if I consider those things. Or maybe it is a mix of all those things.