Its very simple to get to, there are folks of all

ages, and they sell drinks and hot dogs on the plage
weather. I love going nude whenever possible, its
very comfy, feels great and life is more fun in
the nude!
Two first encounters ‘d like to start of by providing you with a little information about
myself. I am 26 years old and now living in
Aventura, Florida. I ‘ve been going bare since I was
17 or so. Besides nudism I also love playing pool,
listening to all kinds of music (except state and
gangsta rap), working with computers, and discussing
about cars. Now I Will get into how I got started as a
Interested about how it felt like to be bare in my
When I was 18 a senior in high
We ran about
People joked
about running there, but no one really did.
One day on a run by myself I ran
near there and decide to run to the nude beach. I
made it there and saw the naked folks.
I was curious regarding what it was like to be bare on
the strand, why these people did it. Pure ecstasy… ran to a variety
of isolated part of the plage (only several folks
around me and were not that close.) I took off my
shoes, socks, and t shirt. I sat there for 10-20 min.
I afterward was relaxed and comfortable enough to say to
my self I’d like to get bare and see what it feels
So off came my short pants and
Panties! I sat there bare for a min. or two then
stood up. I’ll never forget that moment.
I can only describe as the most wonderful sense of
Independence I ‘ve ever felt in my whole life! I felt so
fee and alive! It was simply wonderful to be bare
outside in the fresh air and sun! It felt amazing… so
Comfy I subsequently ran into the ocean and swam. It
felt so nice to swim without an suit I adored that
Encounter and desired to do it again.
After that I went back to blacks
several more times. Additionally , I went to other fkk
Seashores; San Onfre, (45 minutes north of blacks), and
More Mesa in Santa Barbra. San Onfre is nice, its
more secluded than blacks with less gawkers. I went
to faculty in Santa Barbra and I found More
Mesa. This is a wonderful plage! Verry private and
Hints for models desired for art class. I signed up
and posed naked for the art class. It was no big deal
for me and it was fun. It was fantastic to see how each
artist painted me in their own manner. My mother discovered
the test from the art school and asked me about it

were not offended or angry or anything so it was cool.
Since that time, I ‘ve been to
two nudist resorts in CA. I had a really fine time in
both resorts. The people there were quite friendly and
It was quite relaxing and
Enjoyable to spend the day naked swimming, eating, sunning,
meeting awesome folks etc. My wife has always been reluctant to go nude on the beach of the individuals were old
(30’s-60;s) but I enjoyed myself anyway. Its cool
though to see all the young people involved with
Nowadays I go naked in my room
Nearly always. I also go naked at the local fkk
Strand (Haulover). This is my favourite fkk beach.
Its very simple to get to, there are people of all
ages, and they sell drinks and hot dogs on the beach
Plus the water is always warm (87 now) and so is the
weather. I adore going bare whenever possible, its
Really comfortable, feels great and life is more enjoyment in
the naked!
I would like to start of by giving you a little information about
myself. I’m 26 years old and currently living in
Aventura, Florida. I ‘ve been going naked since I was
17 or so. Besides nudism I also love playing pool,
listening to all kinds of music (except country and
gangsta rap), working with computers, and talking
about automobiles. Now I Will get into how I got started as a
I was 17 when I first became
curious about how it felt like to be naked in my
room. I do not know
exactly why but I believed I would be more comfy
if I took off my underwear, so I did. It felt odd
In the beginning, for a while I was self conscience of my
body. Not because anything was wrong, just because I
had never been nude in my room before I figure. I got
over the awkwardness (self-consciousness) and it felt
When I was 18 a senior in high
We ran about
People joked
about running there, but no one actually did.
One day on a run by myself I ran
made it there and saw the bare people. At this point
I was interested as to what it was like to be bare on
the shore, why these folks did it. I ran to a variety
of isolated part of the plage (just a few individuals
around me and were not that close.)

FRESH! HD naturist movie spinning to keep content fresh and intriguing
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I sat there for 10-20 min.
I afterward was relaxed and comfortable enough to say to
my self I’d like to get naked and see what it feels
So off came my shorts and

Phoenix Feeley Goes Topless in NJ

Are you aware that it’s legal in 12 states for women to go top-free in public? To begin with, that is a smallish number, and second, many cities can and do override this with their own laws. (Having just viewed cock nude beach , I feel like a suffragette counting the states that have given women the right to vote. Haha Not the same, I know.)
Women getting the equal right to go top-free wherever guys can is a cause that’s become more and more important if you ask me. I think what bothers me most is the pointless arrests and physical abuse that women go through for going top-free even when it’s absolutely legal. Does not everyone have more important things to worry about? (Apparently not.)
Phoenix Feeley has faced cops and angry moms in Coney Island for exercising her right to go top-free
I lately met a kindred soul against this discrimination: Phoenix Feeley, and I inquired Phoenix if I could interview her about her current challenge for top-free equality.
Phoenix has been actively fighting for topfreedom since 2004 when she was falsely arrested in New York for being top-free in public. She endured physical maltreatment by the policemen, spent 27 hours in jail and to top it all away, had to undergo a mental evaluation. It’s been legal in NY since 1992. The city apologized with a settlement of $29,000 when she sued.
Since then she is been marching in top-free rallies in NYC, and today the brave Phoenix is fighting charges in a state where it isn’t legal (yet), New Jersey. Hello Kate and naturist staff, Hllo my buffs cock nude beach. I am hoping you enjoy this contri. It was wonderfull for me… This really is the very first part of two. Vote me plese, and write me plenty of message together with your e-mail address… E un servizio fatto in due parti Votatemi e scrivetemi tanti messaggi cerchero di rispondere a piu persone possibili, quindi lasciate sempre lindirizzo e mail. Elise
In 2008 Phoenix sunbathed without a top on the sand of Spring Lake as a sort of civil disobedience. The police detained her and inflicted physical mistreatment once again. An corpulent guy had the gall to clap as she was getting detained, and Phoenix promptly responded, “Your boobs are bigger than mine!” The following quotation circulated last year when her appeal was rejected by the state appeals court:
“Limitations on the exposure of the female breast are supported by the significant governmental fascination with safeguarding the public’s moral sensibilities.”
That’s right, moral sensibilities! The government is just trying to protect everyone from women’s immoral breasts.
As of this point the charges have been cut down to the nudity and dress/undress charges and the excellent cut in half. “I refuse to pay injustice,” she said, “You must go all the way with it.” And she’s prepared to do exactly that. Unfortunately the Supreme Court only hears 10% of cases, and a preceding top-free case further complicates things. She fought for the right to go completely naked, but would not testify for herself and lost. Regardless, Phoenix says if she can’t get into the Supreme Court, she’ll appeal to the Federal Court, and even go to prison if she has to!
Are any Europeans reading this on their smartphone as they lay topless on their towel at the strand? Are they wondering what the big deal is with revealing breasts in America? So are we.
As we wrapped up our meeting, I asked Phoenix why top-freedom is so especially important to her. She answered that she views it as a symbol of women’s subordinate legal rights, and this is one wall of discrimination that needs to be broken down. I agree!
Some of you may have attended Fools for Freedom last month, Phoenix’s wonderful top-free party and fundraiser aimed at helping her with all the legal fees. If you did not make it, you can still contribute and support her courageous fight for women’s right to go top-free wherever guys can!
Topic: Dingbats For Independence
For the most recent top-free news in the U.S. & Canada, this is a great site.
New Jersey Locates Phoenix Feeley’s Breasts Immoral as well as other Naturists and Naturists Top Free Blogs By Felicity Jones For – Young Naturists And Young Nudists America FKK
Tags: activism, breasts, feminism, new jersey, topfreedom and topfree equality, topless / topfree
Class: Felicity’s Nudist Blog, Feminism and Women’s Issues and Human Rights, Naked News, Social Activism, Social Nudity Blogs
About the Author (Author Profile)
Author of Naturist Site. Co founder of Naturist Portal. 3rd-generation nudie. Avid reader. busty beach cock vegan, 30% vegetarian. When I’m not busy eating, I’m writing about naturism, censorship, topfree equality, body image and other interesting topics. I like feedback, so plz leave a comment when you have got something to say!

Personal Account About Body Image and Eating Disorders

My history without clothes has been long but rather irregular. About Body Image and Eating Disorders
Body Image and Eating Disorders – Most of our struggles are now under control, but I know that being ultra skinny remains an important, if unattainable, goal for my sisters. I spent years on a roller coaster of different diet and exercise programs, with varied effects. I only didn’t like what I saw in the mirror, and I did not enjoy how I felt.
Then I met a nudist. This guy was completely free from body pity.

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However, it did not appear like he was slightly exhibitionist, only detached from any dressing table seeing how he looked to others. His priority was only put on how he felt, physically and emotionally. Initially I saw him wandering around nude, I was completely shocked. I ‘d spent years attempting to avoid not merely nudity, but also events when swimwear or even short pants would be the estimated attire. Here he was, buck nude, like it was nothing. He had moles, scars, and all types of marks which people spend time, money and angst trying to cover. His perspective on that was the same, of course. Those matters had always been there. Who was he to conclude they were unattractive? Spending time with someone who was not at all body conscious was amazingly liberating.
We became a couple, and eventually married. Our first apartments were purposefully not ground level places, because we did not want to bother the neighbors with our incessant flashing. Simply being around My first public naked expericence was on holiday in Mallorca. with this free perspective, these balanced precedence, let me to go in the girl hiding in the dark, to eventually feeling normal. This really isn’t a case of locating oneself in someone else. It truly is a fortuitous example of having a terrific role model to show me that all bodies will vary, and their characteristics do not become good or bad until someone labels them as such. After years of warped eating routines and fearing the return of summer weather and summer garments, life with Mr. Nudist allowed me to accept myself. Decades after, the love handles are appearing but our outlook toward caring for ourselves and each other remains unchanged. I wish everyone with body issues the same good fortune.
This article about body image and easting dissorders was printed by – Young Nudists and Naturists website FKK
Tags: body image, eating disorders
About the Writer (Author Profile)
Guest blogs written exclusively for Naturist Portal.

Modesty, Body Image & Why I am Joining NYC Bodypainting Day

Guest Website by: Nicolette Barischoff
I’ve pretty much always been nude. It’s difficult to pin down when or how that happened. My parents were both pretty conventional nondenominational Christians, and the significance of modesty was stressed at me early and frequently. It just didn’t actually take. I recall countless lectures on the sanctity of a woman’s modesty, the mysterious and sudden weight of duty that has been a Woman’s Body. “You’ve a woman’s body, now, you can not only go around without thinking!” I remember quiet, cautious, urgent asides reminding me how critical was my role in making certain that men were not frightened / filled with unshakable lust / given erroneous notions about me. I wasn’t trying to obstruct them, I simply never quite deciphered what there was to be embarrassed about.
You see, I was born with spastic cerebral palsy. Put simply, my brain fires in arbitrary directions to make my muscles do all sorts of bullshit that I didn’t ask them to. I don’t walk; I use a wheelchair to get around, or if I am at home, my hands and knees. Hello Kate and nudist staff, Hllo my buffs girls on beaches. I am hoping you like this contri. This is the very first part of two. Vote me plese, and write me plenty of message with your e-mail address… Thanks a lot Wet kiss to all. Yours Elise Ciao a tutti, Spero vi piaccia questo contributo almeno quanto e piaciuto a me realizzarlo. Elise
I’ve always wanted more help than most folks. That generally meant help getting dressed or using a particularly inaccessible restroom. When my parents weren’t about, that meant help from close-strangers. This modesty, this easily splintered virtue that I was supposed to guard more carefully than the usual girl guards anything else, had to be drop in a instant if the situation demanded it.
How, then, was I supposed to button myself back into my modesty after I Had only had a stranger pull my panties up for me? How was I supposed to know when to care about who was pulling up my panties, and when to not? It didn’t take long for me to understand that nobody had any really great answers. If strangers chosen by chance and necessity could gaze upon my nude body without turning to stone, just who exactly was I protecting? The kids? (The same ones who’d happily run through the streets of my community naked as the day they were born until their beleaguered parents wrestled them into some coveralls?) Myself? No, I still did not give a shit. Men? Not even gonna dignify that one.
I think what I’m saying is, despite the attempts of my exasperated family, I never learned modesty. It never felt significant. I ‘ve to lay on the ground to pull my trousers up. Am I to lay on the cold linoleum of the bathroom with the warm comfort of the living room’s eighties carpeting just a couple of feet away? Fuck that. I ‘m used to folks who should not see me nude seeing me naked. They all resided, and so did I.
However, I never took that plunge and called myself a naturist. Old ideas die hard.
My first ever experience with deliberate public nudity would not come until I was twenty one, on one of those large European Faculty tours, faced with my first French playa. The feeling was a revelation. I had known that European shores were generally topfree, but I wasn’t expecting the absolute naturalness of it. Bodies of all sizes and shapes, nude to the waist with neither snarky comment nor creepy leer. girls on beaches and their mothers.
And their mothers’ mothers. . Locals and obvious tourists. And weaving through them all, totally unfazed, as if they have seen this every day. Because they’ve. I looked over to my newish boyfriend (who’d later get promoted to complete partner) with a question in my eyes. His answer to that question was that it wasn’t up to him. It was my body, and therefore up to me. Well, okay then. Off large cock beach went, as fast as I could dispose of it.
It’s bizarre to realize that our society doesn’t let our breasts to feel ocean air. And then that feeling, that sweetness of liberation and exhilaration and daring, passed. Surprisingly fast. And then I was only a person, one among hundreds, existing as I was most comfortable.
Nicolette Barischoff Getting Nude and Painted for BodyPainting Day
I have been naked in public a lot since then, among others and, occasionally, all by myself, the naked voice of reason among a lost and clothed crowd. I’ve been to Burning Man, to Faerieworlds, to Seattle’s World Naked Bike Ride. The wonderful girls of the Outdoor Co ed Topless Pulp Fiction Gratitude Society were kind enough to compose an article about me. But to date, I’ve never participated in an art project on the scale of Bodypainting Day. On Saturday, I am going to strip to the skin in the centre of Manhattan with a hundred other beautiful people, all professionally painted, in full view of a city that may not understand me, and I will feel more comfy than I ever do wearing clothes.
It is challenging to have a confident body image when you’re disabled. Folks approach incapacity with this type of spectrum of assumptions, and notions about what you should do or be or how you should act. And this never involves having a body. That old idea of modesty comes extra hard when people aren’t used to thinking about what you might look like nude. That’s why I am doing this, why Bodypainting Day is so crucial that you me. It’s the greatest expression of body-positivity. It is artwork and approval and independence. ‘s an exploration of our relationship to the body, and a direct challenge to the infantile belief that most of us “simply should not be seen naked.”
I genuinely hope you may join me.

The next NYC Bodypainting Day is on Saturday, July 18, 2015! Learn more at
NYC BodyPainting Day
About the Writer: She enjoys being naked, and if that does not irritate you, she likes you too.
Young Naturists & Nudists America
Type: Body Image Sites, Naked Body Painting and Naked Body Art, Naturist Website, Social Nudity Websites
About the Writer (Author Profile)
Guest blogs written completely for Nudist Portal.

Unclothed Swimming at the Breathless Potter’s Falls, Ithaca

Discover Ithaca’s lovely Bare Swimming Hole – Potter’s Falls
Potter’s Falls! Since Potter’s Falls looks to get as much attention, FKK Upstate NY determined to see just how naturist-friendly Potter’s Falls actually is.
Before getting into the fun stuff, I would like to start with a couple of disclaimers. Yet that doesn’t look to halt the thousands of those who do it every year, all summer long in many places up and down Six Mile Creek, beginning at Wild Flower Park on Giles Street, in the town of Ithaca. With regards to nudity, with the exception of top freedom which is legal in The Big Apple, it is prohibited as described by public law.
So far as law enforcement, within the Six Mile Creek preserve, the authorities appear most concerned with dangerous bound that goes on a ? mile or so downstream of Potter’s Falls at a spot known as the Upper Falls Reservoir. This place, never to be mistaken with Potter’s Falls, is characterized by a very big concrete dam which impounds a little lake. This is a hot spot for high school and college children who jump off the high rocky cliffs behind the dam.
This dangerous and forbidden activity is the subject of frequent patrolling by local authorities, as it has resulted in some very serious accidents.
When it comes to locating Potter’s Falls, it really is about one hour hike upstream of the parking area at Wild Flower Park on Giles Street, in Ithaca. At some spots along the way, the hike is demanding with some steep hills to climb. For a much shorter hike, you’ll be able to park upstream of Wild Flower Park along NYS RT 79 and trek in from the highway. For more details and maps of the area you can find lots of info online.
Now, let’s get on with the interesting stuff. To begin with, Potter’s Falls is really breathtaking with regard to natural beauty. It cascades into a innocent pool of refreshingly cool water which presents an almost irresistible invitation for nude swimming. The pool is fairly deep near the falls, and widens out to your wide, shallow region downstream a bit. The stream-bed both above and below the falls, is surrounded by rocky ledges.
A word of warning there are a lot of submerged boulders in the deep pool area below the falls. We cringed at some of the careless diving and jumping we witnessed. On the positive side, there are plenty of very large, level ledges and boulders all around which are perfect for unclothed sunbathing. Some present a daring setting, and others offer more secluded locations to stretch out with greater seclusion.
Nude Swimmers at Potter’s Falls
One of the most exciting things about Potter’s Falls is the stream just above the real falls. It cuts through a narrow canyon complete with natural conversation pools carved into the stream channel bedrock.
Nevertheless, under drier conditions, these natural dialog pools present an incredible chance for soaking in the romantic shadows of a natural cavern of stone under an emerald archway of deep woods. Rays of light penetrate through the towering plant life like the shafts of spears, and glitter on the running waters. You can just imagine how this must have been a coveted destination for Native Americans in eons long past.

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In terms of guy young aturists, we saw them on every visit. On the other hand, the number of cloths present was consistently far greater (except when Northeast Naturist Festival visits!); a little disappointing considering the naturist reputation of Potter’s Falls.
Most importantly however, was that the fabrics we encountered were friendly and seemed at ease with nudity. In terms of rangers patrolling, we did not encounter any during our three visits. Well yesterday I finally had the opportunity to bare the nat- ural, and walk into the sun. To swim carefree in this world. in para- dice. have heard varying reports from fellow naturists signifying that on occasion warnings and directives to get clothed have been made. Typically, Two first encounters is a fairly diverse and tolerant community.
A strong idea I would like to make is that trekking into Potter’s Falls, along Six Mile Creek’s wonderful, naturally secluded trails, is among the most perfect places you are able to ever envision for naturist women to be fully adventurous and take full benefit of topfree equal rights! We can hardly think of a better way to reveal occasional textiles you may meet along the way a wholesome case of non sexual nudity. Notably because it’s 100% legal in New York you just need to take hold of your freedom!
Of course you may feel most confident if you get a little group together to enjoy this amazing possibility and exhibit topfreedom even more efficiently!
If you should be thinking about being part of this kind of adventure please contact us at [email protected] We will organize an excursion for any size group large or small to join us. We’ll even arrange to have a BBQ later!
This article about Unclothed Swimming at Potters Fall’s was printed by – Young Naturists & Nudists America
Tags: new york, skinny dipping, swimming holes
Group: Bare Outdoors and Naked In Nature, Social Nudity Websites
About the Author (Author Profile)
We’re Steve and Susanne, leaders of the FKK Upstate New York Chapter. We appreciate the freedom, relaxation, and healing power of naturism, and are interested in sharing our experiences with others.

Nudism , Feminism and Girls

Naturism with a Feminist Twist:
I have been reflecting recently about why there aren’t more girls, particularly young women, involved in naturism. You Meet the Nicest People When You Are Nude In most cases, it’s apparent we live in a society where people are afraid of nudity, embarrassed of it, and deem it only acceptable during sex or washing. There was a recent post from a feminist site entitled “Go Naked; it is good for everybody (but particularly for women)” about naturism and feminism that got me thinking.
Nigel Keer “naked rambler”
First, the “naked rambler” storyline from a feminist point of view. A guy named Nigel Keer was lately was fined under the Public Order Act for walking naked at Otley Chevin, a popular nature area in the UK. That is all he was doing. He was seen by a girl who had a “distressed frown” on her face, in accordance with the off duty police officer that stopped him. (This story is a lot like the instance of of naked hiker John Cropper, except he was not seen by anyone else. Maybe it’d have turned out differently if your female witness was involved.) This woman was never identified, never testified, and never spoken to. Nonetheless, it was enough to convict Nigel. As a feminist would immediately point out, the girl was presumed to be a “casualty,” weak in front of this wandering nude guy. Societal Problems with Reference to Voyeur Nudity Ironically, this officer unwittingly transgressed girls everywhere by determining this female casualty was distressed and needed his protection.
A few years back on a hot July day I chose to bypass a day off work and go as a day visitor to a nudist club near to where I was working.[flv: ../../upload/706.jpg 100% 300]

We continue releasing stories shared by our female subscribers – young naturist girls who make it to the nude beach for the first time

Nonetheless, in among the comments, a girl identified with the female victim. She says,
“Yes, not all men are sexual predators, and walking naked doesn’t necessarily equate to predatory behavior, but the depressing fact is that many, many women have experienced sexual violence at the hands of men and seeing a nude guy when you’re outside for a walk could well make a woman feel threatened, and could even trigger her.”
Yes, many girls have been victims of sexual assault or rape, and I can comprehend a lone woman feeling endangered or disturbed seeing Nigel. But when does walking naked ever equate to someone being a sexual predator? When they attack. It does not make sense to arrest someone for just “causing alarm” because they’re doing something unusual.
A lone naked guy is an assumed predator, possibly even a rapist? One of many girls said she’d get naked. As the writer, CP Reece, intelligently comments, rape has nothing regarding nudity, but with exercising power over someone.
It’s OK in marketing and trashy magazines, but not OK in the park or on the strand. Breasts are not even okay to reveal in public breastfeeding. Is this why there aren’t more young women involved in naturism? If women associate taking off their clothes only with hot modeling, acting, and displaying their bodies, then they might believe they must appear good enough to go bare in front of others. Of course looking great means being tall and thin like the unattainable ideal we find everywhere in the media.
Wrong Locker Room? For female nudity, patriarchy seems to play a significant role, notably with reference to topless rights. Reece says, “To require girls to cover up their breasts in public is a very visible expression of patriarchal control.” Really women don’t have to cover up breasts because they’re breasts, but because they’re women. “Why?” Reese asks. Because she’s a vagina. It’s a sexist, partriarchal law; or in this case, a sexist standard demanded by this policeman, since it’s legal to go unclothed in public in the UK. It exists in a society by which men hold the power.
Will they be out enjoying unclothed hiking before us women? Sounds insane, and I hope that won’t be the case..
Referring back to the title, how is naturism good for everyone and especially for girls? It cultivates gender equality, which is especially amazing for women whose bodies for once are not being put on display for male enjoyment. (Yes there are guys who’ll still stare or join for that goal, but it’s a completely different feeling in a real naturist setting. I recall my first encounters with being naked had nothing his is my guy Kyle and that is a huge cruiser behind him As Reece says to women, “a naturist man will look you in a person’s eye!”) Naturism also advocates favorable body image and celebrates all body types beyond the media’s ideal. I was just married and living on the east shore not too far from the shores. Many people are nude and equivalent, free of any sexist fabric restraints and with much less stereotyping, judgment, labeling, profiling, etc.
Naturist couple on the strand
To be continued in a second post about Reece’s call for extreme action for naturist rights
Read: Go naked; it is great for everybody (but especially for women) Part 1 and Part 2
Nudists and Naturists Top Free And Feminism Websites By Felicity Jones For – Young Naturists And Naturists America FKK
Tags: activism, culture, discrimination, feminism, sex, laws, topfreedom and topfree equality, topless / topfree
Group: Felicity’s Nudist Website, Feminism and Women’s Issues and Human Rights, Social Activism