As well as actions including the top-free movement, there are many other sorts of prospective activism that can be positive without being perceived as lewd. One particular example can be open, public breastfeeding (which is now prohibited in many situations). Public breastfeeding while making no huge effort to conceal the breast or nipple boosts recognition of the human body as well as fertility, nourishment and development. Does the woman who dares to publicly breastfeed her child think of herself as an activist? Maybe and maybe not. But by doing this without shame, she becomes a symbol.

Jim Cunningham, in his publication, Nudity and Christianity, discusses how early Christians ran their baptisms in the nude. This type of practice would surely be considered a kind of activism now and something Christian nudists should definitely consider. Cunningham also discusses group skinny dipping in public places (not merely naturist resorts) as a sort of activism. Such actions assert accustomed nudity in a public situation where it is surely appropriate. Any such action that publicly presents a positive, non-lewd display of our nude bodies is, by default, a sort of activism. It faces people and our customs with our nude nature absolutely. It signals – “Stop concealing our bodies, stop calling them obscene, accept and honor them!”
We absolutely must save the human form and sexuality from the crazy bane of being perceived as “obscene.” Our bodies, our sexuality, our reproductive organs AREN’T obscene! They are “us” and they’re beautiful. Why must society conceal, cover, and “fetishize” our bodies? Well behaved public and societal nudity is genital favorable, and thus sex-positive too. It breaks down the organization that nudity =sex (orgasmic) = filthy (lewd).
In another blog posts we’re going to proceed from sexuality as a grand ambient power, and manifestations of that within naturism and the non-nude world, to notions of active sexuality and covenant.
Young Naturists and Nudists America FKK
Type: Naturism and Naturism, Sex Favorable and Sexuality, Social Activism, Social Nudity Blogs
About the Author (Author Profile)
We enjoy the independence, relaxation, and healing power of naturism, and have an interest in sharing our experiences with others. Interview with Julia Kozerski about Body Image, Weight Loss and Much More!
Julia Kozerski is an artist and photographer whose raw documentation of her own weight loss journey touched a nerve and spread like wildfire. I decided to interview her about her work and how it relates to body image, nudity, and censorship in American culture. Check out the rest of Half, Tag,and other works on her website and read the interview below for more information!
What inspired you to document your weight-loss journey through self-portraiture?
I never planned on photographing myself. In reality, I probably hadn’t been in front of a camera for 10 years before beginning these works. In essence, I started using myself as my own muse because I had lot of questions about what I was going through and what was happening to my body. I found consolation in the one on one interaction I had with my vulnerable self before the lens. I could not hide anything (nor did I need to).
I liked that, when the images were got, I could remove myself from them and look at them like I do with every other photo, objectively. The action of photographing also helped me quit time. Losing over 160 pounds in The bravest thing I ever did bare? Well how about among the bravest….well, in fact it was more impulsive than courageous. is rapidly. I was living in my body the entire time so the transition was “standard” to me, but looking at the still images taken throughout, I can better comprehend just how not ordinary it was.
Julia Kozerski in “Label”
What made you decide to be fully nude in the photographs in Half and Tag?
“Half” was shot during precisely the same time as I shot “Changing Room.” My main motivation for beginning my weight loss was in direct reflection to my notions about how other girls seemed. I saw 338 pounds on the scale and my first thought was “versions are 100 pounds I ‘m 3 people!” “Changing Room” was more about the dream of playing “dress up” with my new body.
“Half” was the truth about the mental cost the physical transformation had taken. My encounter was not superficial, it was raw, it was real I desired the images to bare it all and I understood the truth lay beneath the layers of clothes.

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My collection “Tag” was made in reflection to creating both “Half” and “Changing Room.”