Let’s revive our encouragement and development of a variety of unclothed-themed artistic expression that celebrate nature, fertility, sustainability. We have to design much more activities around these artistic forms of expression. For a great experience along these lines, you may consider attending the annual Northeast Naturist Festival someday, which can be held at Empire Haven in Moravia NY – it has over 190 workshops, including all kinds of art.

How about connecting with many of the non-nudie artists out there and inviting them into our nudist communities? Many artists are implicitly in tune with and schooled in classical kinds of bare artwork. Our events and activities should elevate nudity to an art form, high above vulgar lewdness and demolishing public misconceptions that nudity = sex = dirty.
Wellness, Food, Sustainability
An understanding of surrounding sexuality as a universal power opens up whole arenas of thought and anxiety for the naturist.

AWESOME! High Definition fkk film spinning to keep content fresh and intriguing
–AWESOME! Simplified 1-page user interface
–Over 800 HD clips for download, distinct films rotated in every month
–200 awesome show added this season, with fresh films
–Many Member’s Place Clips remastered to 1024x720p/7Mbps HD
We should fret about all aspects of social morality and ethics that devalue the fertile sexual power of the nature. In the end, we are all inextricably a part of mother nature.
So with that said, what about food? What about genetically modified seeds? What is greed doing to the ecological equilibrium of natural sexual power and the greatest well-being of our planet? For the sake of greed / profit, some corporations seek to force feed’ us genetically modified food many of which are banned in several European nations!
What about invasive, highly ecologically damaging practices for example un-zoned, unregulated hydro-fracking? The repercussions of which can ruin our land, water, and ultimately the skill of our planet to be healthy and fruitful. Let our nakedness stand as a protest and a reminder that we are not consumer units that can be force-fed junk food and made to bow to the abusive exploitation of our property by the avaricious few among us.
Among the tasks we are leading within the Naturist Portal Site Upstate New York Chapter is Nude Locavore Cooking. This summer we had our first event which took place on June 29, 2013. We observed healthful, natural, organic food – free of hormones, genetic modification, and dangerous processed food additives. Not just that, but we stood naked, as if protesting against people who desire to strip our property through un-zoned, hyrdro fracking, jeopardizing the fertile, productive, agricultural tradition that is the Upstate Finger Lakes Region.
Here again, we see that our nudity can be elevated to some grander cause. One of stewarding and protecting the health of our world, for instance, sexual power of its natural fertility. This is so much more commendable than the organization of nudity = sex = dirty.
Activism? Many nudies perceive activism exclusively as an activity against a specific law, a means of gaining more legal rights to be unclothed, or as the fight for gender equality (topfree movement). It is needless to say all those things. But, at the same time, it is substantially more. We have to comprehend this to be able to focus our activity.
Activism is in fact sex-positive. Once more, let us assume that most folks on the planet presume that the equation of nudity = sex = dirty is true. Going back to our first blog about the inadequacy of our nudie language, the generalized term – sex – is rather worthless. It needs additional clarification in the equation of nudity = sex = dirty.
What the people generally mean when using the word “sex” is active sexuality. Thus it’s no great mystery why things like sexual titillation, intercourse, orgasm are instantly associated. When done publicly, active sexuality is typically considered improper, disgusting and lewd (not to mention – against the law almost universally).
Of course active orgasmic sex done in private is not lewd! Need I even point out that the nudie culture, like most of society, respects that active/orgasmic sex is a private issue? Naturism isn’t hedonism and this is precisely why appropriate activism is sex-positive. Fellow nudies regard the privacy of orgasmic, active sex by behaving appropriately while participating in public / social nudity.
Non-lewd show of our genitals restores honor to them. It strips away the curse our body parts are somehow obscene’ by recognizing that sexual titillation is a private issue. It is much simpler for people to accept the sight of full nudity, once free of the fear of an imposed and embarrassing specter of unwelcome lewd behavior.
In summary, non-lewd activism (in a broader sense), honors our genitals by showing that nudies are well behaved, and respectful. Concomitantly, that’s why public sexual or lewd conduct is so damaging to the nudie cause. It is, in many ways, a betrayal of the public trust and reinforces a genital-negative, sex-negative public opinion of naturism and social nudity. It truly is what can cause family members to think their nudie relative is getting a perv’ and gone off the deep end by adopting naturism and the naturist lifestyle.