(hereafter mentioned as AJA). Additionally see Vermeule, (Greece in the Bronze Age, pp. 92, 101. 102) who locates Mylonas’

argument “powerful.”
14. Excavations in Cyprus (London, 1900): p. 9 ;M. I. Davies,
‘Thoughts on the Oresteia Before Aischylos, Bulletin de correspondance hellnique 93 (1969): 220,223 (quotations)
(hereafter mentioned as BCH). For other interpretations of this arena see ibid. pp. 214.223.

H. W. Catling and
A. Millett, “A study in the Composition Patterns of Mycenaean Graphic Pottery from
Cyprus,” BSA 60 (1965) PI. 58 (2).

FRESH! High Definition nudist picture spinning to keep content fresh and fascinating
–NEW! Simplified 1-page user interface
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(Courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum).

confronted with their arms extended (Fig.7). This scene represents a boxing
Competition perhaps at funeral games. Pairs of faced bare sportsmen that remind
us of the classical boxing scenes form the sole issue of a Mycenaean vase
(Fig.8). It is often suggested that the scene depicts faced fighters. 5
the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Fresh York shows a procession of chariots
and warriors. The warriors are naked, but each bears a helmet, two spears and a
sword. Archaeologists interpret this scene as funeral games or a procession
accompanying Before I begin writing anything else and before I to the grave. The presence of a tripod in this krater
rather signals the existence of funeral games. M. Laurent gave examples of
tripods on Geometric vases and convincingly suggested that they were prizes in
boxing contests. 16 A Geometric cup from Athens (Fig.9) (now at the
Copenhagen Museum) represents funeral games. On one side there are two
naked men preparing to stab each other with swords.” An Argive Geometric
15. Also see Arne Furumark, The Mycenaean
Pottery: Analysis and Categorization (Stockholm, 1941), pp. 437.443-435 who sees in this scene a boxing contest.
16. G. M. A. Richter, “Two Co1ossal Athenian and Geometric or Dipylon Vases in the Metropolitan Museum
of Art,”AJA I9 (1915): 389,390. PI. xxiii; S. Benton, “The Evolution of the Tripodlebes, “Annual of the British
Gometrique,”BCH 25 (1901): 143-145.
17. The scene reminds us of the single battle between Aias and Diomedes in the funeral games of Patroclos.
This occasion didn’t survive into historical Greece and it is realistic to suppose that it died out along with the hero
of the Geometric period. It’s understood from literary and archaeological sources that armed combats in the kind of a
Fragments of frescoes from Pylos represent duels of men with

H. W. Catling and A. Millett, “A study
in the Composition Patterns of Mycenaean Graphic Pottery from Cyprus,” BSA 60
(1965) PI. 60( 1). (Courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum).

Attic Geometric cup from Athens.
in Noel Robertson, ed., The Archaeology of Cyprus (Park Ridge, N.J.: Noyes Press,
1975) amount 17. (Courtesy of Noyes Press).


Origin of Nudity in Greek Athletics

An Argi’ve Geometric shard. Erich Pernice, “Geometrische Vase Aus Athen,”
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archailogischen Instituts, Athenishe Abteilung 17 (1892)
fig. 10. (Courtesy of Gebr Mann Verlag GMbH).
The Greeks felt so strongly about nudity that it was presumed to have a magic
effect (c.f. the apotropaic use of the phallos, gestures against the evil eye, etc.).
Their sportsmen were thought to be shielded somehow by their nudity.21

Crude warriors are sometimes signified nude for either “magic, i.e.
apotropaic goals” or for “psychological shock effect” and “to ward off
Risk.”22 The apotropaic powers attributed to the male sexual organ is a belief
still in existence among some present cultures. In Fresh Guinea the naked
Papuan warrior of today wears a “cod piece” when armed for war; these
Cod pieces are made of straw painted in red or yellow and are undoubtedly not
meant to conceal the dick; on the contrary they are just as vigorously exhibitionistic as the European codpieces of the sixteenth century.23 Marco Polo was
21. Bonfante, Etruscon Clothing, p. 102.
22 See Wilkinson, CIassical Attitudes to Modern Issues, pp. 83, 89; Bonfante, Efruscan Apparel, p. 102. For
references on the “apotropaic” phallus see Walter Burkert, Structure and History in Greek Mythology and Ritual
(Berkeley, The bravest thing I ever did bare? Well how about one of many bravest….well, in fact it was more impulsive than brave. ). p. 161, 1×3.
23. Tborkil Vanggaard, Phallos: A Symbol and its History in the Mule World (New York, 1972), p. 166. On
the European cod piece of the sixteenth century the writer says: “While the suits of armour lost the slight
elegance which the Gothic ones had possessed a awesome excrescence grown below the breastplate-the cod piece.

Naturist Websites – Yes We know!!

Why Is Naturism Not Growing Fast Enough? Have you Seen Some of These Naturist Websites???
Naturist Websites – Details about nudism and naturism is definitely accessible online. Nevertheless, it appears like the naturist sector continues to be fairly slow to adapt to an increasingly digital world. Most of the nudist resorts and naturist clubs have sites. Hi. My first experience was actually by accident. I just come home from school. can be among the major causes nudism has this type of bad image issue.
These naturist sites might also be challenging to locate in a fundamental online search.
How are young people going to find these nudie favorable locations? Additionally, what’ll they think and how will they react once they see these badly constructed and designed naturist websites?
Nudist Websites
Through our own website, we are trying to give naturist resorts and nudie favorable companies more exposure. Through our FKK nudist clubs affiliates system, we publish actual reviews, and info. On a larger scale, we arrange young naturist assemblies at clubs which are open to hosting us.
Businesses also can purchase a website-wide advertising for even greater exposure and consistent increase in traffic. Last but not least, we provide services in social media, web design, Search Engine Optimization and more.

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–200 new series added this season, with awesome movies
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What we have begun to comprehend is that the nudist movement now has an image problem.
FKK plans to alter that perception and so far we’ve feel that we have been doing a very good job. But we need your support if we’re to triumph. Putting together all this information takes time and money so feel free to sign up and become an associate of Young Naturists and Nudists America FKK. We could use all the help we can get! So if you’ve some time, and are a responsible, committed individual then why not offer and lend a hand? We’re able to always use interesting articles, personal stories and a helping hand with handling our on-line existence.
We hope that some day soon, most nudist business owners will begin to think like business owners. Once this may happen, we hope to find nudism expand and grow 🙂
Meanwhile, take a look at our website. Here you will find a wealth of advice about nude beaches, nudist sites, nudist and clothing optional resort reviews, nudist blogs, naturist posts and a lot more nudie-related information and occasions.
This post about Naturist Websites was released by – Young Naturists And Naturists America FKK
Tags: clubs and resorts, websites
Class: Naturism and Naturism, Social Nudity Websites
About the Writer (Author Profile)

Do You recall the first time you Chilled Nekkid?

What does the word Nekkid mean?
The word Nekkid essentially mean Nude. Individuals often replace the word “nude” with the word “nekkid”. But in fact, each word has an entirely different meanings.
In reality, many in society use the nekkid to define perpetrating naughty, non-sexual behaviour without clothing.
Nekkid and Cooling
Naturism is tremendously underrated. I will assure you, if you have never had a flavor of it, you do not know what you are missing! Everyone who’s unfamiliar with it is certainly going to have misconceptions about what it’s all about, how it feels to be unclothed outside with others, and so on.
But here is what I suggest. If you’re not comfortable with yourself nude, it might be difficult to even envision yourself nekkid in the broad day exposed to the gazes of other (nekkid) folks. So, hang out nekkid on your own. Thus far you may have spent your life being nude for mainly 2 reasons: bathing and sex.
To take a shower, you get naked, maybe peek or look at yourself in the mirror for a minute, shower, and put some clothes on right after. Sex means nudity for that period of time, but maybe once from bed, the clothes go back on. Now try this out- leave the shower, dry off, and don’t get dressed!
[flv:http://beachnymphs.com/upload/107.mp4 ../../upload/885.jpg 100% 300]

We continue publishing stories shared by our female subscribers – young nudist girls
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Just walk around your area naked. (You could also attempt to convince your roommate/significant other to do the same). It’s possible for you to read, play on your own computer, work, do the actions you typically do. After a little while you will forget you are even nude. (But that’s a summer plus.) If you can get comfortable with your own bare body this way, you could likely warm up to hanging around other nekkid people! Plus, getting dressed after a shower is a hassle anyway. If you’re just hanging out to relax, there is no reason to let anything restrict the body.
Cooling Nekkid
Then, if you believe that’s nice, try it outdoors! This can be measure 2. Step from the computer, go outside into sunlight to feel the heat and the breeze against your skin, shut your eyes, breathe in deep, and simply remain in the minute. You’ll soon feel totally free and peaceful in the body, mind, and soul. But alas, this may not be possible where you live.
I’m in the countryside, but my neighbors would probably go into shock if I wandered through my open unfenced yard nekkid. But if you got some seclusion in the back, make the most of it! If not, consider stepping out into the wild, i.e. A nudist club where you are able to experience it!
*Additionally, try skinny dipping if you never have!! Find some water where you can swim alone or with buddies and jump in without that useless swimsuit. Or jump in first, then take it off if you are bashful. It’s a very freeing experience.
Naturists and Nudists
Naturists or nudists are individuals who practice naturism, which combines nudity with a healthful lifestyle, respect for all humans and love for the surroundings. Sun exposure supplied through public nudity offers important health benefits while reducing carbon footprints by minimizing the requirement for garments production. Initially developed in Europe during the 17th century, there are two sorts of naturism.
– Private and family happens within My first experience as a nudist and as a inquisitive girl living spaces with friends and acquaintances that follow a naturist lifestyle. Several facilities including resorts and clubs also provide societal naturist chances.
– Societal naturism naturism appears within the confines of residence for maximum privacy.
The concept of nekkid ties in with social nudism, as many prefer to flaunt their naked and naughty behaviour in front of others.
My first encounter was had Hedonism 2, June 1999. I went with my girlfriend it was her first experience additionally. of a Natuirist Lifestyle
Flexibility attracts many to a naturist lifestyle, as there isn’t any steadfast definition of the theory. In the U.S., nudists focus on the sans-clothes aspect while European followers embrace well-being aspects together with nudity.
Currently more males than females openly practice a naturist lifestyle. Many indicate that social nudism offers endorsement of an activity deemed questionable by modern society.
Nekkid Groups
Smaller, specialized groups exist within social nudism to practice nekkid activities. Motorcycle enthusiasts based in Kentucky teamed up to create a naturist bike club known as the Nekkid Riders. Creators believed the nekkid moniker alerted others to freaky happenings.
Members attend rallies and motor-sporting events stripped down for their birthday suits. Less courageous members ride in specially designed thongs.
Young Naturists and Nudists America FKK
Labels: home nudism, young naturists and naturists
Class: Body Image Sites, Felicity’s Naturist Website, Naturism and Naturism, Social Activism, Social Nudity Sites
About the Writer (Author Profile)
Author of Nudist Website. Cofounder of Nudist Portal. 3rd-generation nudie. Avid reader. Feminist. After I’m not active eating, I am writing about naturism, censorship, topfree equality, body image and other interesting topics. I like feedback, so plz leave a comment when you have got something to say!

How to Date a Nudist when You Are Not One

Questions and Answers
Is You Meet the Nicest People When You Are Bare to locate love with someone who’s a nudist when you’re not? Although you might have a different view about whether to wear a swimsuit to the beach, you can meet your nudist (or occasionally called “naturist”) date halfway.

Instead of looking at the situation from a one sided outlook (you may think that being naked is obstructing whereas your date thinks it is great), to help the possibilities of your dating success, open your head and include your differences. Irrespective of whether she or he is a full time or part-time nudist, you’ll find common ground to cultivate a healthy dating relationship provided you are willing to attempt.
The best way to Practise Nudism in Your Room With No One Knowing
Have you ever been intrigued by the nudism movement? Nudism, also referred to as My feelings have not changed much since: , is all about appreciating the beauty and freedom that you simply feel when you discard your clothing and return to nature. With seclusion and attention, you can turn your bedroom into a one-man nudist colony.
Practicing Nudism in Your Room
Picture titled Practise Nudism in Your Room With No One Knowing Measure 11
Get entire privacy. Shut and lock all the doors and windows in the room that you will be staying in. Place a towel or blanket along the bottom of your door if there is a gap between it and the floor. You want complete privacy with no hindrance. It is common courtesy for men and women in nudist clubs to bring their own towels to sit on, so you can start this practice in your room.
Be sure that you’ve got lots of things to do, and that you could keep to yourself for the time period which you are thinking about.
Image titled Practise Nudism in Your Room With No One Understanding Step 22
Remove. Place in a pile in exactly the same order that you’d put them on so you can get dressed if someone comes knocking on your own own door. Then you should do this, if you are really worried about getting caught. Nevertheless, you promise that you were going to take a shower if someone comes in, quickly wrap yourself in it, and can also keep a towel near.
[flv:http://beachnymphs.com/upload/227.mp4 ../../upload/457.jpg 100% 300]

We continue releasing stories shared by our female subscribers – young fkk girls

Image titled Practise Nudism in Your Room With No One Understanding Step 33
Do what you would typically do. Now that you have removed any barriers in your way, in addition to your garments, you can just go about your everyday life. Thus, do not do anything particularly unique simply because you are in the buff. Actual nudists merely do what they usually do, only bare if they’re able to appreciate life a little more and feel more liberated as an effect. Here are some things you can certainly do in your room:
Have fun.

Get healthy. Stretches moderate exercise, or yoga is very beneficial while naked, particularly in front of a full length mirror, as one can see which ligaments and muscles come into play.
Picture titled Practise Nudism in Your Room With No One Understanding Measure 3Bullet3

Pamper yourself. While bare with an extended quantity of time available, it’s a good time.
Be bold. Call a friend on the phone and speak in the nude with your friend being none the wiser. See how it feels to interact on a platonic level with a friend without needing any clothing on. In case you feel totally comfortable, you may want to join a nudist group in the future, when you are ready.
Image titled Practise Nudism in Your Room Free Of One Knowing Measure 3Bullet6
Know that it’s not about the things that is hot. Although you may be tempted to touch yourself while you’re in the nude, which is, obviously, absolutely normal, recall that one of the central principles of nudism is that it is practiced in a non-sexual manner. That is why it is necessary to get as many other things to fill your time as possible once you close your door.
Image titled Practise Nudism in Your Room With No One Knowing Step 44
Sleep nude. Many folks sleep nude merely because they believe it feels good, even if they do not consider themselves nudists. Then a good method to do it’s to go to bed naked in case you’re seriously interested in practicing nudism alone in your room; people will not think it’s too strange, because loads of folks do it if you’re caught. Keep a bathrobe helpful if you have to get up to make use of the bathroom in the centre of the night. In case you’re seriously interested in nudism, you can just wake up in the morning and keep to be naked for as long as it is potential.
Picture titled Practise Nudism in Your Room With No One Understanding Measure 55
Develop a better comprehension of nudism. Another great action while you’re all alone in your room to do would be to research nudism online. You should have a firm understanding of what you are actually doing in case you would like to actually practice nudism. There are lots of misconceptions about nudism that you might want to know about before you can say it is really understood by you. Here are some things you may learn:[1]
Many nudists actually prefer to be called naturists.
Being nude is intended instead of causing arousal, to be totally normal.
Nudism is about gaining back the independence small children feel about being nude. You’ve got to quit considering the limitations that society has placed on you and return you your inner child. Nudism is lively.
Because it is all about returning to your natural state, nudism is also called naturism.
While it is illegal to be naked in a public place, the custom of nudism as a whole is not prohibited, unless you are living in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Arkansas, or some other locations.
Nudism isn’t sexually deviant. Nudists have totally healthy sex lives; they just don’t make their day-to-day lifestyle any more sexual just because they aren’t wearing clothing. Nor does this mean they are asexual. Being part of a nudist group doesn’t mean that you need to be too sexual only because you’re in the buff.
You just have to be comfortable with what you’ve got.
You don’t have to be nude all the time to be a nudist. Many nudists hold regular occupations and wear regular clothing when they “have to,” though they are always trying to find chances to be bare and express themselves.
Picture titled Practise Nudism in Your Room Free Of One Understanding Measure 66
Get dressed. Unfortunately, you can’t be naked in your room forever. Whether you’re meeting friends at the movies or having a family dinner, it is time to put those clothes back on and to go out into the entire world. In the event you really are starting to feel restricted doing this and can not bear to be walking around on all day with your clothing, then you can start thinking about taking your nudism to the next degree.


There are a few criteria of manners that are recognised among most nudists. They are right here regarding newcomers’ advantage as well as for referrals.

It is I thought I’d share my newbie first experience, merely had it this weekend in fact! before sacrificing in on the nudist membership, to protected a. This usually means producing or telephoning beforehand. Visitors who arrive unexpectedly might be made away.

Integrity is the better policy. Most clubs is going to be pleased to maybe you have visit, if you are sincere. Deceitful testimonies about you would like to become a nudist are unnecessary. Offer appropriate data to your club within your notice that is first and on your own membership program.

A clubs, betrothed individuals should join with their spouse. Several groups possess a zero singles coverage although some are far more generous towards associates that are single. It is always safer to ask in-advance as opposed to to run to be transformed away in the gateway the chance. In most instances, solitary couples (guy and female) are only as welcome as married couples.

Regarding organization or individual reasons some nudists may decide to stay confidential and can add themselves using first names simply. Anyone should respect their solitude and they’re going to do exactly the same foryou. It is anyone that nudists value. Ones personality may determine friends you make at a nudist playground, just like at some other interpersonal function’s number.

Nudist areas seek to maintain a family group surroundings. Innocent expression of affection among members of the family and buddies are prevalent, but obvious sex is not condoned. .

Images is generally taboo. Most groups include tight principles regulating images. Many nudists are digicam-shy and it is not excusable to have a photo of anyone without authorization. Without examining all of the regulations guiding pictures do not get your camera to your membership.

Observe the clubs all posted regulations. [flv:http://beachnymphs.com/upload/136.mp4 ../../upload/963.jpg 100% 300]

We continue publishing stories shared by our subscribers that are female – young nudist girls who make it to the nude beach for the first time
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They’re for the safety and entertainment in addition to for your safeguard of most not unconcerned. Some of the more prevalent principles are simple: View your young ones, they are your accountability all the time. Lay on a towel for reasons that are hygienic. Before utilizing Before I start writing anything else and before I -tubs and the pools bathtub carefully. Respect the privileges of others. Esteem the team home and keep it clear. Depart your animals at home.

Be as and not as hostile start as possible and others is going to do the same.

tell us, the best physic, but it functioned as a valuable motivator to the youth of Greece to keep themselves in gwd


Nudity lived in Greek sports because it was supported by heroic
tradition and religion. So using nudity for aggression and apotropaic
Goals which is characteristic of the early stages of human society and which
reflects the animal part of human nature survived with an uncommon persistency
and beyond recognition in the historical period and found refuge under the
mantle of one of the most illustrious aspects of Greek culture: the athletics.


FRESH! High Definition naturist picture spinning to keep content fresh and intriguing
–Over 800 HD clips for download, movies that were distinct rotated in every month
–200 fresh show added this season, with awesome movies
–Many Member’s Place Clips remastered to 1024x720p/7Mbps HD
The Greek with his sharp eye for physical beauty regarded flabbiness, a light skin, want of state, or
imperfect development as disgraceful, and the sick-developed youth was the laughingstock of his comrades.”
Kenneth Clark (The Bare, p. 19) remarked: “So our surmise the discovery of the nude as a type of art is
Associated with idealism and beliefs in measurable symmetries seems to be true, but it’s just half the truth. What
other peculiarities of the Greek mind are involved? One clear answer is their belief the body was something
to be proud of. and should be kept in perfect trim.” Yet, Clark continued, “But in fact Greek trust in the body
can be comprehended simply in relation to their doctrine. It expresses above all their sense of human wholeness.
Nothing which related to the whole guy could be isolated or evaded; and this serious recognition of how much was
implied in physical beauty saved them from both evils of sensuality and aestheticism (p. 21). James Arieti
[“Nudity in Greek Sports,” 4361 claims “The public nakedness which does not, in the 1970’s shock us as it
shocked the Romans-though it does, maybe, seem somewhat uncivilized for the Greeks-enabled the sportsmen
to show the whole control they used over their bodies. Since they were the only people to compete naked,
they could well consider they were the only individuals capable of such self-control: here, perhaps, was a clear
superiority over the barbarians, who had to hide themselves both to avoid tempting others and to conceal their own
Deficiency of control.” For more references regarding the practice of nudity in Greek sport, see ibid., pp. 434 n. 10,

The Greeks saw their custom of fit male nudity
A surveyof male nudity as a
costume in Greece attempts to follow its origin in eighthcentury ritual, its slow transformationfrom initiation
Rituals to the “civic”nudity of the Classical period, and its
significance in various religious, magic, and societal circumstances. The characterof this institution can be viewed more
Definitely by comparing it with earlier Near Eastern approaches to nakedness, and to the after modern”barbarian”perspectives of the Hebrews, Etruscans,and Gauls,
as well as to the contemporaryviews of female nudity,
before its acceptancein the Hellenistic interval.*

This is a surprising phenomenon. That
We’ve not been more surprised by it’s because of the fact
that we follow in their own tradition and take the Greeks
as models, forgetting how often their institutions and
among early peoples. The Greeks of the Classical
world didn’t forget. While not, as we shall see, entirely
understanding the significance of the custom, they
were proud of its singularity.
A study of nudity in Greece needs to be undertaken
from the historical point of view. I restrict myself, in the
Current article, to a consideration of the evidence of artwork
and literature in an attempt to understand what lay
One of the innovations of the early Greeks that
changed our way of seeing the world, among the most
Notable is a specific sort of public nudity-nudity
present articlewas presentedat
I ‘m
Glad for the support and guidance of Homer and Dorothy
Thompson, Christian Habicht, S.D. Goitein, W.S. Heckscher, Seth Benardete, Leo Raditsa, Myles McDonnell,
Brunilde S. Ridgway, My reasons for wanting to hang out with naturists weren’t completely pure. . Harrison, R. Ross Holloway, Mark Davies, Michael Vickers, Brian Shefton,
Along with the conventional AJA abbreviations,the following are used in this article:

Five fundamental motives accounting for humanity’s use of
Garments will be found to be appropriate at various
against the elements, notably the cold; 2) for social
reasons, to recognize members of a tribe or class; 3)

Phoenix Feeley Goes Topless in NJ

Do you realize that it’s legal in 12 states for women to go top-free in public? To start, this really is a smallish number, and second, many cities can and do override this with their own laws. (Having only viewed the film Iron Jawed Angels, I feel like a suffragette counting the states that have given women the right to vote. Haha Not the same, I understand.)
Girls getting the equal right to go top-free wherever guys can is a cause that is become increasingly more significant if you ask me. I think what disturbs me most is the scoreless arrests and physical abuse that girls go through for going top-free even if it is perfectly legal. Does not everyone have more important matters to worry about? (Apparently not.)
Phoenix Feeley has faced cops and mad moms in Coney Island for exercising her right to go top-free
I recently met a kindred soul against this discrimination: Phoenix Feeley, and I asked Phoenix if I could interview her about her current struggle for top-free equality.
Phoenix is actively fighting for topfreedom since 2004 when she was falsely arrested in New York City for being top-free in public. She endured physical mistreatment by the officers, spent 27 hours in jail and to top it all off, had to undergo a mental evaluation. It is been legal in NY since 1992. The city apologized with a settlement of $29,000 when she sued.
Since then she is been marching in top-free rallies in NYC, and now the courageous Phoenix is fighting charges in a state where it isn’t legal (yet), New Jersey. In 2008 Phoenix sunbathed without a top on the sand of Spring Lake as a kind of civil disobedience. The authorities arrested her and inflicted physical maltreatment once again. An obese man had the gall to clap as she was getting detained, and Phoenix quickly answered, “Your boobs are bigger than mine!”
“Limitations on the exposure of the female breast are supported by the significant governmental interest in safeguarding the people’s moral sensibilities.”
That’s right, moral sensibilities! The government is simply trying to protect everyone from women’s wrong breasts.
As of this point the charges are cut down to the nudity and dress/undress charges and the fine cut in half. “I refuse to pay injustice,” she said, “You need to go all the way with it.” And she’s prepared to do exactly that. Sadly the Supreme Court only hears 10% of cases, and a previous top-free case further complicates things. She fought for the right to go completely bare, but would not testify for herself and lost. Regardless, Phoenix says if she can not get into the Supreme Court, she will appeal to the Federal Court, and even go to prison if she’s to!
Are any Europeans reading this on their smartphone as they lay topless on their towel at the beach? Are they wondering what the big deal is with showing breasts in America? So are we.
[flv:http://beachnymphs.com/upload/48.mp4 ../../upload/788.jpg 100% 300]

We continue releasing stories shared by our subscribers that are female – young nudist girls who make it to the nude beach for the first time
Click to view

As we wrapped up our meeting, I requested Phoenix why top freedom is so particularly vital that you her. She responded that she sees it as a symbol of women’s subordinate legal rights, and this is one wall of discrimination that needs to be broken down. I agree!
Some of you may have attended Idiots for Freedom last month, Phoenix’s amazing top-free party and fundraiser geared toward helping her with all the legal fees. If you did not make it, you can still contribute and support her courageous fight for women’s right to go top-free wherever guys can!
Subject: Idiots For Freedom
For the most recent top-free news in the U.S. & Canada, this is a great site.
New Jersey Finds Phoenix Feeley’s Breasts Wrong in addition to other Nudists and Naturists Top Free Sites By Felicity Jones For – Young Naturists And Young Nudists America FKK
About the Writer (Author Profile)
Author of Naturist Site. Co-founder of Naturist Portal. 3rd-generation nudie. Avid reader. Feminist. 70% vegan, 30% vegetarian. After I’m not active eating, I am writing about naturism, censorship, topfree equality, body image and other interesting topics. I like comments, so plz leave a comment when you have got something to say!

What We Can All Learn About Body Image From A Teenage Naturist

By Guest Blogger – Ms. Hardly Concealed
Who better to educate me / us about teens and body image than the usual teen naturist girl! Fortunate for me, there is a wonderful family who I love dearly, and as luck would have it, one of the daughters is 15 years old, a naturist and a gifted writer! Below is the article she wrote specially for us.
Teen Girls And Body Image Problems
Teenage Body Image and Naturism
I simply recently turned 15 years old. I am a teen girl and I Have been a naturist for the last 3 years. Currently, I attend an all-girls school where personal growth and development are strongly supported. As a consequence, body acceptance can also be common in our community. Despite this, the pupils around me still appear to have a hard time accepting their own bodies. As a teenager, I’m faced regular with dilemmas and worries concerning my body and others. At school, regardless of who you hang out with, you hear folks say stuff like; “I’m too fat.” “You’re so pretty!” “My boobs are too little.” “My boobs are too big.” “I wish I looked like you.”
Teenage Body Image
Personally I don’t find these issues to be as pressing. As a young child, I loved to read and learn. I didn’t watch lots of TV or read magazines. By averting those two media sources, I managed to prevent so much of the mainstream media’s thoughts. I was not comparing myself to models and I looked up to my parents as examples of good grownups. My father was also a image-shoot stylist for some time, which presented me to an entirely different perspective of trend than the broadly accepted view. I saw trend and clothes in general, to have two primary uses: function and/or expression.
I understood I could not seem like a model in a magazine, but I also understood that models didn’t seem like models in magazines. Hairdressers, make-up artists, photographers, and stylists all brought to the persona that would be the product of the photo-shoot. In fact, only a small few of the pictures shot ever make it to the public eye. [flv:http://beachnymphs.com/upload/89.mp4 ../../upload/203.jpg 100% 300]

We continue releasing stories shared by our subscribers that are female – young fkk girls
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Understanding this relieved that pressure of living up to the images of attractiveness which were illustrated in fashion magazines everywhere.
Nevertheless, I still started to become insecure. You’ll find two things that helped me gain self-confidence and acceptance of my own body. Dance and naturism actually enabled me to overcome my insecurities. Naturism on the other hand, allowed me to really see that nobody was the same. Everybody was distinct and the socially approved views of attractiveness were limited to some small amount of real individuals. Even then, they did not fit the ideal perfectly.
In general, I discovered attractiveness to be an extremely subjective ideal that depended on the situation and individual. Most of us struggle with body image and comparing ourselves to others makes it worse. I found that, accepting that your body will grow in a unique way is a fundamental part of body approval.
How I discovered the wonders of nudist lifestyle want to thank Ms. Barely Hidden for composing this amazing blog about Driving nude is like having a portable nudist resort! I mean for us! Please feel free to comment and show her the love and recognition she deserves!
Let us hope she will be willing to share more of her thoughts with us!
This guest article titled – Teenage Naturist Teaches Us About Teenage Body Image Issues – was released by Young Naturists and Young Nudists America FKK
Tags: body image, body shame, teenagers
Group: Body Image Sites, Naturism and Naturism
About the Author (Author Profile)
Guest blogs written exclusively for Naturist Portal.

A Naked Reality Show With a Twist

A Nude Reality Show Spin
Naked Reality Show – There is a fresh reality show on the horizon, and it’s a fkk one!
For one month, these folks will need to be bare for the whole time on camera, and producer Harris Salomon says he wants to “explore how clothes associates to interpersonal relationships and status.” All private parts will be blurred. The thought apparently came out of Jersey Shore because Salomon needed to take it up a notch from that show.
First, it is at Caliente, the “young-person” resort. It is extremely modern place with lots of fine facilities, i.e. a fitness center, several pools, a waterfall, a restaurant and bar, etc. It seems fine for a resort, and it is definitely enjoyable to many.

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However, I’ve visited Caliente multiple times, and
B) they’re infamously known for their swinger crowds
C) If you want an idea of what kind of feeling is there, they have stripper poles in the pub area
D) AANR does not accept them as a valid nudist resort.
E) I’ve also personally seen unacceptable behavior of men reaching their wives’ breasts in a sexual manner, which is conduct that they try to cease.
Yet everyone knows that for reality shows, what matters is getting viewers, not necessarily depicting reality. At the same time, folks can still see Jersey Shore and believe a lot of people from New Jersey are obnoxious guidos / guidettes whose days contain gym, tanning, and laundry. So, it is bright for their sake to pick the energized atmosphere of Caliente for a wild area that’ll likely make for a popular show. But this may not go so well for the picture of nudism and naturists , which these people will signify. And if he really has “Jersey Shore” in mind, and it has any likeness to it, I’m truly frightened of what is to come. (I missed it, unfortunately.)
Regardless, what we can hope is that the individuals they choose for the show will acclimate well to nudism and signify all of us absolutely!
**UPDATE: The show now has a site: http://nakdtruth.tv/ [Notice: This website is now defunct, as the show never took off.]
On November 13th and 14th from 9am to 6pm folks can watch the nominees’ videos and vote for who’ll go on the show!
Tags: television
Category: Felicity’s Naturist Site
About the Writer (Author Profile)
Author of Fkk Blog. Cofounder of Nudist Portal. 3rd-generation nudie. Avid reader. Feminist. 70% vegan, 30% vegetarian. When I’m We made a decision to go to Paradise Lakes in Lutz, Florida (Near Tampa). eating, I’m writing about naturism, censorship, topfree equality, body image and other fun topics. I like comments, so plz leave a comment when you have got something to say!

I used to have the “whoops, I went to school and forgot my clothing” dream, except for me, none of the teachers or students appeared to care. It occurred so frequently I occasionally feel like my becoming a naturist was part of some Inception-like scheme. In other dreams, I Had be lounging around the home, watching TV, when my sister would come home from work. She’d see me, view that I was nude, and say “Hey, Nick” like nothing unusual was going on. Just to be clear, there was nothing incestuous about the dream, but the normalcy of nudity gave me a delight. All things considered, I craved approval, of my chosen lifestyle and my way of thinking. But that could never happen, could it?

The summer following my sister’s honeymoon, she and her husband let me tag along on their tour of the Greek islands. This sort of trip was nothing new to me, except my parents weren’t about, and now I was concealing a secret. We took the ferry to Crete, the largest island in Greece, and from there visited Santorini, believed to have inspired Atlantis, with its volcanic black plage, sheer cliffs, and blue and white houses overlooking the Mediterranean. Much more beautiful than any landscape, nevertheless, was what I seen on our third stop, on the isle of Eos. We’d just unpacked our bags and the sun was setting, and I asked my sister if it was OK to run down to the strand. A ten minute stroll from our resort, under an orange and reddish skies, I could see the elegant individual lines, the bare bodies lying on the sand.
The casual, shameless way these folks went about the strand thrilled and inspired me, and I needed to be among them, to cast off my clothing then and there, but what would my sister say? How could I even start to broach the subject? To be honest, I don’t recall what I said, just that I somehow found the courage to “come out” to her. The great thing about my sister is that she’s a talker. Sometimes, when we are on the telephone, My lovely wife and I are both 39 with 17yo lad and 16yo girl. We are interested in joining a local nudist resort but are somewhat concerned about their ages and thoughts. can put the receiver down and visit the toilet and not miss anything. And when it comes to issue, no subject is taboo. But this was more than simply speaking. I told her how I’d wanted to visit a bare beach for years, to not see girls (as one might expect) but to be naked myself, in sight of her and her husband and the entire playa going public. Her reaction? “Sure, why not.” What I didn’t know at the time, and what caught me entirely by surprise, was that her husband harbored the same interest.
The week that followed was The first time I was fully nude in public . It was as if we’d stepped through a magic portal into my dreams, where corporeal shame didn’t exist. I took to nudity in public like a born naturist, as shameless as unicorn girl, and the experience exceeded my expectations.
Now I’d like to just take a moment to discuss swimwear. Remember my feelings for ties and church shoes? It does not compare to my loathing for bathing suits. I can not envision how stuffing a vagina into a bikini must feel, but whoever invented modern men’s swim trunks needs to be punched in the nuts. There are few worse senses than walking around Adventure Island for eight straight hours with sopping wet genitals and the rest of your body bone dry. These things hold water better than Pampers’ diapers. I’ve forgotten swim trunks in my car for days simply to discover they are still wet! At the plage, sand gets sucked into your butt crack and every crease and crevice of your testicles and pee hole. I avoid the sand just so I don’t have to suffer wearing the damn things. It was the only downside to my isle experience. [flv:http://beachnymphs.com/upload/238.mp4 ../../upload/881.jpg 100% 300]

We continue releasing stories shared by our female subscribers – young nudist girls who make it to the nude beach for the first time

Routine shores were destroyed forever.
Every year I was determined to visit a nude beach, but there were many challenges. Some islands cater entirely to cloths and occasionally aunts and uncles went with us, but what was especially frustrating were the shores known for naturism with no naturists! Even in Eos, I’d discover nothing but fearful tourists. Everything appeared to change from month to month, since the time of year ascertained what nationality went on holiday. Greek and Italian tourists never go nude, but Germans, Swedes and Norwegians commonly do. For reasons that continue to elude me, the greater the latitude, the more folks seem willing to go au natural.
As the years went by, more people became complicit within my escapades. I traveled the islands with my other sister, her sons, and my best friend (and his friends) who lived in Athens, and was naked in front of them whenever possible: on the beach, in the resort, even in my parents’ summer home. Astonishingly, nobody seemed to mind, despite that they were too shy to try it themselves. Once, my nephew and I visited a distant plage on the island of Mykonos. There was no way back but by ferry, or so we were told, and we missed the last boat. We had to hike for miles through rocky hills and bushland. For him, it was an ordeal, but for me it was an experience, a chance to live like Dynotus, like my ancient ancestors before things like bathing suits were invented.