in memory because our dignity

and freeom are the wages for
latter opportunity might look like a modest having known Lee.”

with the website authorities, in addition, it attests a
naturist interest in maintaining the integ- point, but much too many naturists forget
rity and health of the acreage.
the pleasures of being outside in nature clothing-free,

TNS assemblies and festivals typically surrounded by birds and animals, and
offer workshops and seminars notify- swimming in the living water of lakes and
ing attendees about their relationship to streams.
the natural world. Vegetarian alternatives are
Lee Baxandall’s early work in theatrioffered at gathering and festival meals, and cal and performance arts establish the tone for
each assembly offers the chance to get TNS’ support of aesthetic excellence. N
away from the developed club grounds for has covered many important art works and
a day to a local plage or hot spring. This events that exemplify the topics of body
50 | Nude & Natural 28.3

Scootch Pankonin

worked with him as integral parts of TNS
for years: Nicky Hoffman, Judi Ditzler,
and Margaret Thornton. All three valued Baxandall’s work in TNS, and wanted

to see his vision continued. Ditzler—with
Aid from Mark Storey and others—
would edit N magazine, Hoffman would
manage the office and N Network, and
Thornton would continue to keep course
of the company and financial end of things.
Baxandall would continue to provide valuable consultation and occasional magazine
articles until his physical well-being limited his
ability to do so.

In the preceding image, Andrew Loomis expresses his view that standard proportions look dumpy (he even contains a balding scalp and drooping moustache) to himself and most artists and the idealistic and epic proportion models are always the best way to go. Many do agree with this, but perhaps this really is only because we as people are used to seeing these proportions and hence regard them as ordinary rather than the proportions more true to life. under the fresh
reign was the co-publication of The World’s
Finest Nude Beaches and Resorts. Mike Charles
and Nick Mayhew-Smith of England’s
Lifestyle Press had successfully released
three “coffee-table” quality guide books to
nude beaches and resorts in Europe, and
contacted TNS proposing that TNS and
Lifestyle Press team up to cowrite and copublish an updated version of Baxandall’s
World Guide to Nude Beaches and Resorts.
The latest variant of Baxandall’s renowned
guide was still great, but the development of new resorts and a change in
status of many shores globally had
Made a demand for a new edition. In
2007, after a year of research and traveling
by co authors Nick Mayhew-Smith and
Mark Storey, along with editorial work
from Mike Charles, Nicky Hoffman (now
Hoffman Lee), and Judi Ditzler (who’d
at this point left TNS to work for another
firm, but continued to do editorial work
on particular projects), TNS and Lifestyle
Press released The World’s Best Nude Beaches
and Resorts to show the world how much
fun could be had on a naturist vacation
in almost any part of the world. The guide
Instantly became and remains the first
Pick in print for those seeking advice about naturist traveling.

Baxandall was happy to see the years
of work on the many editions of his World
Guide continued by those with his vision.
With Hoffman Lee now at the editorial
helm of N magazine, he continued to provide consultation, posts, and a precious
historical view until his passing on
November 28, 2008. His passing is a loss
to nudism around the world, as he, more
than anyone else, brought both aesthetic
Grasp and political savvy, along with

lightheartedness and intellectual rigor, to
the quest for body approval and naturist

nization can supply. Having said that, NAC has
a rich Web site providing comprehensive advice about U.S. state and Canadian provincial laws as they pertain to nudity. Its Toni
TNS & the Future
Egbert Law Library is a valuable source
of tips for lawyers looking for
Currently well into 21st century, TNS acknowl- info on court cases of interest to
Borders that naturists and non-naturists are skinny-dippers. NAC’s site is also of use
becoming cyber-literate and that more and for public discussion on matters pertaining
more individuals are looking to the Web for to naturist activism in North America.
their information and reading diversion.
This is where TNS stands now. Its
Although TNS stays a membership orga- members are true—retention rates remain
nization expressing itself primarily through near 80 percent—and keep much of the
the printed word and face to face private volunteer, grassroots heart that helped to
interaction, TNS and N are reacting to transfer problems of body-freedom out of the
the call for on-line access.
Mid century dark ages of corporate nud
TNS has maintained a Web site since ism. It is created as the top advo1996, at The site cate for nude use on appropriate public
has been fully re designed sever- lands. Its innovative magazine is a model
al times, featuring Movie Game Nudity – The unheeded town of Deadhole, an official nudist town in AC:NL: (4900-2288-3659) (Regrettably, I didn’t put much thought into the rest of the match) to N articles, and standard for many naturist publicaNetwork contacts, Gathering and Festival tions.
Info, NAC Alerts, and an online
With all its diversity and idiosyncraSkinny-Dipper Shop.
sies, The Naturist Society moves ahead in