How Societal Nudity Healed My Body Image Issues and Struggles

(Guest Nudist Site By Anon)
My Societal Nudity and Body Image Narrative
I ‘d always had a really poor private body image – I hated the way which I looked! Part of this was related to no one being around me to give me any sort of compliments or support throughout my adolescence and my early maturity. I instantly found myself in a position where I was dating folks who did not make me feel good about myself at all, and they were really making my self esteem problems worse. I was being cheated on regularly, and began to feel as though these cases weren’t his fault. I blamed myself for not being attractive enough to keep him from straying.
This is something that I ‘ve struggled with for a long time. Then, about a year or so ago, I worked up the guts to take a trip with a close friend of mine. She was a awesome to nudism and societal nudity at the time. She convinced me that through her encounters with those she met at fkk resorts, through social nudism and through societal nudity in general, she managed to find a lot more confidence in how she looked. She asserted that social nudity helped her accept and feel better about her own body. I of course, believed the entire thing was bizarre and worried that there would be severe sexual overtones and awkwardness.
I must say that while I felt uneasy at the nude beach for several minutes (fighting the endless impulse to run back to my clothes and to security), I was consistent to see if this in fact would help me. My buddy was walking confidently and immediately introduced me to some people she met the last time she had come to this nude beach and had already planned on assembly today. As underwear! I sat there bare for a min. or two afterward as it sounds, it felt like these fkk ladies and men were not even looking at me sexually or judging me at all. In fact, I was complimented on how amazing my face was twice!
Social Nudity
It did not take long for me to find my stride with naturism. I soon started hanging out with more of them that I met through societal nudity groups and websites online. It is freeing. ess lusty feelings in feel confident in how I appear. Being nude, particularly in a societal setting, makes me feel joyful. I feel like I do not to hide behind clothes. At times, like when my boyfriend and I are around the house in the nude (since now he’s loving the lifestyle too) it can make me feel very alluring and strong as well.
It was a liberating and life altering experience for me. I feel freer than ever and though I ‘m still awesome to nudism,I’ve come to accept my personal body image!

This guest artictle about social nudity and how body image helped heal that state was published by – Young Naturists And Nudists America FKK
Tags: body image, social nudity
Class: Body Image Blogs, Social Activism, Social Nudity Blogs
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Guest blogs composed completely for Fkk Portal.