How I Started Taking My Naked Body

(Guest Body Image Site)

The Story Of The Semi Nude School Celebration That Helped In Accepting My Naked Body:
Taking My Naked Body – I have always been self conscious about my body. I was never able to walk around comfortably at school for fear of being made fun of. My body was something to be concealed, shameful and god forbid – shown in public.
During high school, I started working on improving my self esteem. I worked on my positive affirmations and I told myself everyday that I was wonderful, even if I didn’t believe it. As the days turned into weeks, I started to see that looking at my naked body in the mirror was becoming easier. I started to feel more and more comfortable being nude (by myself). Having said that, thinking of someone else seeing my naked body was still no alternative. All this changed once I got to school.
Accepting My Naked Body
as soon as I started college, I felt overwhelmed by the number of people I considered beautiful. It looked like everyone was slim, confident and appealing. How was I going to live here???
I discussed with some close friends about the issue. My buddies asked me what I thought of folks who didn’t do their make up every morning or who weren’t thin enough to be a model. I told them I did not think any differently of them and that they were just people in my experience. My friends asked me why I thought that people would think otherwise of me. I didn’t have an answer.
Then it came to me Most folks don’t care what you look like. And if they do, who cares! If they did not enjoy my appearance, they did not have to look. After that, my confidence climbed. It was a slow process, but it was working.
I had never been comfortable attending celebrations at my university. So many of them were pajama parties, underwear celebrations as well as naked parties. If I was just beginning to feel comfortable looking at my naked body, how was I going to show it to anyone else?
Then came the day when I was invited into a college Halloween party. The flyer said “less is more if you know what I mean.” My buddies had helped me so much in raising my self-esteem which I believed, “why not!” That night, I had my first experience with social nudity. I wore some risque lingerie as my Halloween costume. Virtually everything was revealing! I was afraid people were going to look at me like the Greeks.55 This spiritual phase of nudity we can strive of freak. I was terrified they were going to laugh and tell me to go home. But they didn’t. Just about everyone else was dressed like I was. Some were even completely nude and a few were covered in only body paint. They were all just having a good time – partying and laughing. It was a great evening. I left the party feeling more confident than ever. My nude body, or at least most of it, was seen by strangers, yet no one laughed or ran away in terror.
I do not know if I ‘ll ever rid myself of my body image issues. Nor am I certain that I will ever have the ability to look at my nude body with ee our culture represent naked guys as frequently as we do naked women . What I do know is that my first encounter with public nudity was a fun one. One that helped me in my on-going procedure for raising my self-esteem and self-acceptance (if not “body love”).
This Body Image Blog titled Accepting My Naked Body was released by Young Naturists and Nudists America FKK
Tags: body image, body painting, body shame, feminism, unclothed and naked parties, public nudity, societal nudity
Group: Body Image Sites, Naked Party and Naked Parties
About the Author (Author Profile)
Guest blogs written just for Naturist Portal.