made me feel welcome there. It was very relaxing and

fun to spend the day naked swimming, eating, sunning,
meeting new people etc. Most of the individuals were old
(30’s-60;s) but I enjoyed myself anyway. Its cool
though to see all the young folks involved with
nudism in this group.
Nowadays I go bare in my room
Virtually consistently. In addition , I go bare at the local nudist
Shore (Haulover). This is my favourite naturist beach.
Its very simple to get to, there are individuals of all
ages, and they sell drinks and hot dogs on the plage
Plus the water is always warm (87 now) and so is the
weather. I adore going nude whenever possible, its
very comfy, feels great and life is more fun in
the naked!
I’d like to start of by giving you a little info about
myself. I’m 26 years old and now living in
Aventura, Florida. I’ve been going nude since I was
17 or so. Besides nudism I also enjoy playing pool,
listening to all kinds of music (except state and
gangsta rap), working with computers, and speaking
about automobiles. Now I Will get into how I got started as a
I was 17 when I first became
curious about how it felt like to be nude in my
When I was 18 a senior in high
school I was on the cross country team. We ran about
a mile or so from a nude beach (Blacks). Folks joked
about running there, but no one actually did.
One day on a run by myself I ran
near there and decide to run to the nude beach. I
made it there and saw the nude folks. At this point
I was inquisitive regarding what it was like to be naked on
the shore, why these folks did it. I ran to a type
of isolated part of the plage (only a few folks
around me and were not that close.) I took off my
shoes, socks, and t shirt. I sat there for 10-20 min.
I subsequently was relaxed and comfortable enough to say to
my self I’d like to get naked and see what it feels
So off came my short pants and
underwear! I sat there bare for a min. or two then
stood up. I will never forget that moment. What I felt
I can only describe as the most amazing sense of
Independence I’ve ever felt in my entire life! I felt so
fee and alive! It was just wonderful to be nude
outside in the fresh air and sun! It felt great… ages, and they sell drinks and hot dogs on the strand ran into the ocean and swam. It
felt so fine to swim without an suit I loved that
experience and needed to do it again.
After that I went back to blacks
several more times. I also went to other nudist
Seashores; San Onfre, (45 min north of blacks), and
More Mesa in Santa Barbra. San Onfre is fine, its
more secluded than blacks with less gawkers. I went
to school in Santa Barbra and I discovered More
Mesa. This is an excellent plage! Verry private and
secluded. I went to UCSB in Santa Barbra and saw
signs for models desired for art class. I signed up
and posed naked for the art class. It was no big deal
for me and it was interesting. It was neat to see how each
artist painted me in their own manner. My mother detected

the test from the art school and asked me about it
in front of the family. I told her the truth, they
all merely laughed and gave me a hard time about it but
were not offended or mad or anything so it was cool.
Since that time, I’ve been to
two fkk resorts in CA. I had a really nice time in
both resorts. The folks there were quite friendly and
made me feel welcome there. It was very relaxing and
Interesting to spend the day nude swimming, eating, sunning,
meeting fresh folks etc. Most of the people were elderly
(30’s-60;s) but I enjoyed myself anyway. Its cool
However to see all the young folks involved with
nudism in this group.
Today I go naked in my room
almost consistently. I also go nude at the local naturist
Plage (Haulover). This is my favored nudist beach.
Its very simple to get to, there are folks of all
ages, and they sell beverages and hot dogs on the plage
Plus the water is always warm (87 now) and so is the
weather. I love going naked whenever possible, its
Really comfortable, feels great and life is more pleasure in
the bare!
I would like to start of by providing you with a little information about
myself. I am 26 years old and currently living in
Aventura, Florida. I ‘ve been going nude since I was
17 or so. Besides nudism I also enjoy playing pool,
listening to all kinds of music (except state and
gangsta rap), working with computers, and discussing
about cars. Now I’ll get into how I got started as a
I was 17 when I first became
Interested about how it felt like to be bare in my
When I was 18 a senior in high
school I was on the cross country team. We ran about
a mile or so from a nude beach (Blacks). People joked
about running there, but no one actually did.
One day on a run by myself I ran
Close there and decide to run to the nude beach. I
made it there and saw the bare people. At this point
I was curious concerning what it was like to be bare on
the plage, why these people did it. I ran to a kind
of isolated part of the plage (only a few people
around me and were not that close.) I took off my
shoes, In the previous 20 years, FKK has published nearly 30 attributes on topfree equality in CWS and N . The Naturist Action Committee has worked with Topfree rights groups like the Topfree Equality Rights Association, headed by Canada’s Paul Rapoport, 18 and has financed challenges in court to give girls the same right as men to bare their chests in public. Possibly the most dramatic example was FKK’ engagement with the Rochester Topfree Seven, a group who successfully challenged a discriminatory law in Awesome York state to attain topfreedom for women there in 1992.In the mid-1980s Michelle Handler and another activist women in FKK began to assault what they considered to be sexist word pictures of girls in magazines. Pointing to the disproportionate coverage of women in CWS, Handler maintained that FKK and other naturist/fkk organizations wanted to present more males in their periodicals and advertisements. Furthermore, the critics charged, they needed to reveal a greater array of body shapes, sizes, and colors. Handler’s approach became divisive and took up much of FKK’ attention during the late 1980s; but the heart of her message was worth cautious thought. FKK has needed all along to support girls in nudism, but now saw that it could be done, and maybe should be done, in a somewhat different way. Over the course of the next two or three years CWS, and then N, would present a much more complete picture of the naturist citizenry. , and t shirt. I sat there for 10-20 min.
I afterward was relaxed and comfortable enough to say to

It is Unsexy Naked Time. Here’s What We’re Reading This Week.

Here is the 2nd installment of Naked News Roundup – a weekly compilation of posts we like from around the web.
– Here’s of stories coming out about the forthcoming premier of The Naked Village. This can be a documentary about Britain’s only naked hamlet, called Spielplatz. Or “secret village,” as that post calls it. I believe being a “secret” is among the club’s difficulties. We will not understand how positive it is for naturism until it airs, but so far, I’m not that impressed with the promo content. [Mirror]
– There are lots an inside look at Fraternity Snoqualmie Family Nudist Park in Washington from a photo journalist. A pic slideshow features the park, in addition to shots from their annual Bare Buns Fun Run.
It airs on Thursday, December 11 on More4. Hopefully it’ll be released online for everyone to see it.
Body Image
– “Everyone is changed.” It’s become common knowledge that models in ads and magazines receive a substantial dose of Photoshop. But what about mainstream films? Turns out artists spend an incredible period of time retouching actors’ faces and bodies in movie scenes. This goes way beyond cosmetics and lighting. These artists are going frame by frame and erasing weather. I love going nude whenever possible, its , belly fat, blemishes, etc. They’ll even take an actor’s head and place it on a more muscular body! It is known as “attractiveness work.” Apparently it has been quite hush hush, but Mashable finally got some artists and film execs to open up about it.
– I had to share this astute article about the latest fear-mongering over childhood obesity. The NHS is known to distort and exaggerate numbers that have to do with fatness and obesity. The writer points out that “heavy” and “big-boned” classifications are often joined to inflate numbers and boost their “anxiety-fuelled schedule.” Then there’s the fact the system used to diagnose obesity (BMI) is totally flawed, and NHS acknowledges this.
My favorite line in the post: “subsequently officials wonder why a great number of kids have body image problems – it’s because you keep telling them they are fat, you morons.” [Telegraph]
– Here’s a mother with a positive outlook about her and her children being nude around each other. She writes, “Nudity is healthful and very natural and growing up unashamed to be seen nude with all of your physical imperfections raises uninhibited kids who’ve a realistic body image.” Yes! [One Woman’s Perspective]

– Good news for those interested in unclothed modeling or practicing their life drawing skills – “Get Drawn, Get Nude” is a worldwide endeavor that invites the public to pose bare for pop-up life drawing courses. This post is written in the perspective of among the female models and she talks about the body-positive aspect of the encounter. [BBC]
– The National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC) just came out with a listing of 24 prominent works of art that faced censorship this past year. They recognize that nudes are still on censorship’s most-wanted list, but they weren’t focused on nudity. Instead it is supposed to be a compilation of artwork that inspired “essential thought, impassioned emotion, and waves of violation.” [NCAC site]
Megumi Igarashi’s Awesome Vagina Kayak
– One Among the artists in NCAC’s female cartoonists talk about their art and drawing naked women / bodies. Just as in other mainstream media, women’s bodies have already been quite badly represented in the graphic novel industry. They are frequently hypersexualized and exhibited as decoration. These artists are pushing their way through a male dominated business and drawing the bodies they would like to see in the comic book medium. [Buzzfeed]
– We Are loving this: 23 list, Megumi Igarashi, has lately made the news because she got arrested again. Igarashi been making 3D printed artwork modeled after her own vulva, including Inspection could rediscover, that will show how a bird could be inhibited or damaged by it except in the most pictured above. She was lately arrested for disseminating three dimensional “obscene data” for some sort of boat endeavor. She says, “I don’t consider my vagina is anything obscene.” – It’s not, Megumi! [The Guardian]
Pop Culture
With all the celebs joyfully posing naked recently, will America eventually need to let go of its puritanism around nudity? [Yahoo]
– a brand new music video from College Humor: “Unsexy Naked Time.” An antithesis to the typical hot-nude music video. A boyfriend / girlfriend duo sing a song about how they like to hang out nude at home and do “unsexy” things, like eat takeout, watch TV, clean, and take each other’s zits (ew). The mp4 is silly and entertaining and shows that naked time doesn’t have to be sexy time. 😉
The opening lyrics:
We’ve been going out for awhile
We been going out in style
But I can’t wait to get you home and take off all your clothes
And just not do shit
I wanna get nude for the hell of it
Let us lose my top, your skirt, and atmosphere our genitals out
I wanna get you naked and sequence kung pao
What did we lose? Share what you are reading in the comments!
Naked News Roundup: It’s Unsexy Naked Time was released by -Young Naturists and Young Nudists America FKK
Tags: censorship, nude news
Category: Naked News, Social Nudity Sites
About the Author (Author Profile)
Author of Naturist Blog. Co founder of Naturist Portal. 3rd-generation nudie. Avid reader. Feminist. 70% vegan, 30% vegetarian. When I’m not busy eating, I’m writing about naturism, censorship, topfree equality, body image and other fun topics. I like comments, so plz leave a comment when you have got something to say!

are, and can recreate their relationships with others as they ideally should be–open, equivalent, and trusting. . . . Perspiration

together in the sauna, stripped of all symbols of rank, wealth or prestige, all are equivalent; distance and esteem become
openness and sincerity.” 84
65. Naturists are generally notably accepting of other people, just as they’re. This is an approach that is
undoubtedly associated with the fact that Naturists are generally more accepting of their own bodies, just as they are, than
the overall public.85
66. Socially and demographically, nudists are almost exactly such as the rest of 17 or so. Besides nudism I also love playing pool, , except that they
are tolerant of nudity. There are not many other trends, social or emotional, positive or negative, that correlate to a
statistically significant level with nudists as a demographic group.86
67. Naturism rejects blind conformity to cultural mores and assumptions about the entire body, which see garments
as a continuous necessity, in favor of a more reasoned, logical strategy which recognizes the need for clothes to be
dependent on context.
68. For Americans, non acceptance and sexualization of their particular nudity supports a biased or racist
Perspective comparing “clothed culture” against the “nude savage.” 87
Rob Boyte asks, “Why is it permissible [in National Geographic] to show the penis and scrotum of an
African Surma (Feb. 91) or a Brazilian Urueu-Wau Wau (Dec. 88) but not a Yugoslav Naturist in his natural setting?
Why are photographs of breasts on Nuba (Feb. 51, Nov. 66), Zulu (Aug. 53), Dyak (May 56), Masai (Feb. 65), Yap
Island (May 67, Oct. 86), Turkana (Feb. 69), Adama Islands (July 75), New Guinea (Aug. 82), Woodabe (Oct. 83),
Ndebele (Feb. 69), and Surma (Feb. 91) girls revealed, yet not one white Canadian can be discovered to face the camera
at Wreck Beach? Why are the breasts revealed of Josephine Baker (July 89), a black native of East St. Louis, but the
breasts of white native girls of Miami Beach are not shown? The unanswered question implies but one
Decision: that the National Geographic has in fact a Eurocentric bias (racist) in showing nudity.” 88
Jeremy Seabrook writes: “The absence of self consciousness isn’t some natural ‘primitive’ whim to
Admit the universal truth that sex is the center of their world. . . . The nakedness of tradition speaks of a
social order in which sex, although not denied, has its position in the totality of living and growing things; it speaks of
another ordering of the planet, one that is a reproach to, and refusal of, those nude westerners [vacationing on naked
beaches far from home], although at the same time, is discounted, marginalised, not taken seriously by them.” 89
Naturism is healthy for the family.
69. Authentic nudists accentuate a decent, family atmosphere and morality.
70. Research shows that kids who grow up in a nudist setting are generally more self-confident, more selfaccepting,
and more sexually well-adjusted. They feel better about their bodies, and much more comfortable with their
Research conducted in the University of Northern Iowa found that nudist kids had body self-concepts
that were significantly more favorable than those of non-nudist kids–and that the “nudity classification” of a
family was clearly one of the very critical variables associated with positive body self-concept. Moreover, nudist
children showed a significantly higher acceptance of their bodies as a whole, rather than feeling embarrassed of particular
parts.91 A study by psychologists Robin Lewis and Louis Janda at Old Damien University reported that “rose

exposure to nudity in the family nurtures an atmosphere of approval of sexuality and one’s body.” They concluded
that children who’d seen their parents nude were more comfortable with physical contact and affection, had higher
Self esteem, and showed increased approval of and comfort by making use of their bodies and their sexuality.92 Research by
Marie-Louise Booth at the California School of Professional Psychology found that “people with less childhood
exposure to parental nudity experienced significantly higher rates of adult sexual stress than did the group with
more childhood exposure to parental nudity.” 93 Different research by Diane Lee Wilson at The Wright Institute
reached the same decision.94 Research by Lou Lieberman of the State University of New York at Albany, in the
late 1960s, found that “those young folks who had casually seen both of their parents naked in the house were far
more likely to feel comfortable with their bodies and to also feel mo re satisfied with the size and shape of their
genitalia and breasts.” 95
71. Generally speaking, “experts” such as Joyce Brothers and Dr. Spock speak out against family nudity without
Nudists on TV are the Butts of the Joke to back them up. When research is actually done, it contradicts their frightening cautions.96
In many years of research at important national research libraries, I ‘ve yet to come across a scientific study
which contradicts the assumption that openness about nudity is healthy for children.

In Search of the Sun at Terme Banovci in Slovenia

Terme Banovci – Slovenia Naturist / Nudist Center – In Vienna, Austria it was raining all the time (not perfect for naturism activities). The fortunate break Gosia and I had on Kahlenburg was one of the few exceptions. Back at Lobau a fellow naturist took pity on us. She gave me a tarp which I immediately took to wrapping around the tent. For the lifestyle is always to discuss our activities with others as nudists the single best issue we could do. kept out the rain. It also kept out the atmosphere. Our last morning in Vienna was spent lying on our bellies perched in front of the entry.
It was in this type of position that Gosia admitted to me the actual reason for her divorce and the extent to which she had been manipulated by the patriarchy. Her tears mixed with mine. We wondered what the people passing by must have thought. We joked they credited our despair to the lack of fresh fish Gosia had found at the cafeteria. Or the lack of any access to the web.
We concluded to discover the sun. Instead of heading to another necessarily showery area in Austria, we decided to totally alter our plans and head south to some naturist draw called Terme Banovci in Slovenia.
Terme Banovci naturist thermal water pool

The mood grew significant. Gosia kept pressing me to discuss my definition of betrayal. It irritated her when I attempted to make our dialogue about intimate partnerships more philosophical and less about me. I was uncertain what was driving her. She stubbornly declined to detail any of her own experiences. It seemed her earlier confession was enough.
Windmills filled the landscape. I felt trapped in a war of the worlds. Giant machines loomed rotating ominously all around me. I was happy when we crossed the boundary. In Slovenia there was nothing but corn. The weather was warm. I had to change into shorts.
The weather remained lovely as Gosia and I pitched our tent at Terme Banovci, the only naturist center on earth with thermal water. As we got wet, the air remained dry. Evening too was amazing. When we went to bed we anticipated a wonderful morning. At some stage in the night tell tale drops started plopping onto our roof. By daybreak it was went skinny dipping in a lake. . The weather lasted long enough to take a few graphics. A steady drizzle moved in. As we bathed in the warm water the rain bothered us not a bit – even though we both lacked the otherwise ubiquitous shower caps and umbrella hats. By the time we went back to the tent for breakfast we realized it was time to pack up.
Sunshine or breasts!
Nudist BlogsFor Young Naturistsand Young NudistsAmerica FKK
Tags: europe, hot tub
Type: Nudism and Naturism In Work Naked Day And A Unclothed Model Needed For A Movie Shoot , Social Nudity Blogs
About the Writer (Author Profile)

Felicity Reviews Solair Nudist Resort In CT

Last weekend we took advantage of the beautiful weather to make our first camping trip of the season! This time we went to Woodstock, Connecticut to see Solair Family Nudist Resort, a 3 hour drive from NYC.
Solair Family Nudist Resort
Solair Family Nudist Resort in Connecticut Review -After paying at the office ($70 total for the weekend for 2 of us, including camping), we drove down to our campsite and parked next to its raised wooden platform on which we pitched our tent. (I propose bringing cushy mats because the wood wasn’t comfortable to sleep on!) A member estimated Solair has 20 or 30 of these individual campsites, instead of an open grass campground. We had a water spout and picnic table and were handily located next to the bathrooms.

Then we got a speedy tour of the area by golf cart. Solair is really a big area with 450 acres and over 600 members! Their many facilities include an outdoor heated pool, hot tub, First Time Experience , tennis and volleyball courts, little children playground, horse shoes and shuffleboard. Next to the naked beach is a large outdoor pavilion for I dont’t know if I was brave ot did not want the day to , live music and other festivities. Their clubhouse is also very spacious and modern. A game room on the ground floor has a novel-swap library, TV and pool table. Plus there is a desktop computer for anyone to use! (First time we’ve seen that at a resort.) To get away there are hiking trails and wonderful nature places like this waterfall and garden, a minute away from our tent site.
Our Campsite at Solair Family Nudist Resort In Connecticut
Solair family nudist resort in Connecticut has a sandy sand and lake for swimming and fishing. The pool wasn’t open yet, but having the choice of the lake or the pool to swim and sunbathe is a nice little luxury. Notably when the lake is still freezing in the springtime.
After the tour we had lunch at Solair’s Sunshine Cafe, which can be open for breakfast, lunch and dinner on the weekends. The menu has plenty of choices with different types of appetizers, burgers, hot dogs and sandwiches at lunch. I had a veggie burger, that was alright, but the french fries and onion rings were delectable. Nothing was expensive. On Sunday I had the hummus plate, a wholesome enough choice to burgers. In our travels to U.S. resorts / nightclubs, in terms of food, we’ve seen zero edibles to snack bars to full-out restaurants. Even if you bring and plan meals, it doesn’t beat having the option to buy any meals on the premises.
Waterfall at Solair Family Nudist Resort In Connecticut
We also played some tennis, using communal balls (dead balls but balls) and racquets from their adjoining shed and after that caught the last rays of sun on the playa.
The Playa at Solair Family Nudist Resort In Connecticut
In the end our weekend at Solair was truly gratifying, and the members were pleasant and friendly. The crowd was mostly old with some young kids, but many members expressed interest in attracting more young adults. Our first idea was lowering the rates for people under age 30 or 40. When you add up the cost of petrol, tolls, food, and resort costs, it gets expensive. In any case, if you are seeking a fresh place to go, Solair is worth visiting!
To visit or learn more about Solair, see their site:
This review of Solair Family Nudist Resort In Connecticut was written by Felicity Jones for – Young Naturists And Nudists America FKK
Tags: clubs and resorts, connecticut
Classification: Felicity’s Nudist Blog, Nudist Resort and Reviews, Social Nudity Websites

(hereafter mentioned as AJA). Also see Vermeule, (Greece in the Bronze Age, pp. 92, 101. 102) who finds Mylonas’

argument “persuasive.”
14. A. S. Murray, A. H. Smith and H. B. Walters. Excavations in Cyprus (London, 1900): p. 9 ;M. I. Davies,
‘Thoughts on the Oresteia Before Aischylos, Bulletin de correspondance hellnique 93 (1969): 220,223 (quotes)
(hereafter mentioned as BCH). For other interpretations of this arena see ibid. pp. 214.223.

A fragment of Mycenaean chariot krater from Enkomi (c. 1300 B.C.). H. W. Catling and
A. Millett, “A study in the Composition Patterns of Mycenaean Pictorial Pottery from
Cyprus,” BSA 60 (1965) PI. 58 (2). (Courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum).

confronted with their arms extended (Fig.7). This scene represents a boxing
Competition possibly at funeral games. Pairs of faced bare athletes that remind
us of the ancient boxing scenes form the sole issue of a Mycenaean vase
(Fig.8). It’s been indicated that the scene depicts faced boxers. 5
A Geometric krater dated second quarter of the eighth century B.C. now in
the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York reveals a procession of chariots
and warriors. The warriors are nude, but each bears a helmet, two spears and a
sword. Archaeologists interpret this scene as funeral games or a procession
accompanying the body to the tomb. The presence of a tripod in this krater
rather signifies the existence of funeral games. M. Laurent gave examples of
tripods on Geometric vases and convincingly implied that they were prizes in

boxing contests. 16 A Geometric cup from Athens (Fig.9) (now at the
Copenhagen Museum) represents funeral games. On one side there are two
Nude men preparing to stab each other with swords.” An Argive Geometric
15. Murray, Smith and Walters, Excavarions in Cyprus, pp. 9, 37. Also see Arne Furumark, The Mycenaean
Pottery: Evaluation and Classification (Stockholm, 1941), pp. 437.443-435 who sees in this scene a boxing competition.
16. G. M. A. Richter, “Two Co1ossal Athenian and Geometric or Dipylon Vases in the Metropolitan Museum
of Art,”AJA I9 (1915): 389,390. PI. xxiii; S. Benton, “The Development of the Tripod-Lebes, “Annual of the British
School of Athens 35 (1934.35): 105, 108, 109; (hereafter cited as LISA); Marcel Laurent, “Sur un Vase de Style
Gometrique,”BCH 25 (1901): 143-145.
17. The picture reminds Now as you know, FKK promotes non sexual social nudity. But we also try and educate folks about intimidation, especially on-line, and about empowering women. So with that in mind, I reached out to Belle Knox to understand why she decided to go into the porn business and how she was treated at Duke once the news broke. of the single battle between Aias and Diomedes in the funeral games of Patroclos.
This occasion did not survive into historic Greece and it’s practical to presume that it died out along with the hero
of the Geometric period. It’s known from literary and archaeological sources that armed combats in the kind of a
game were practiced in Mycenaean Greece. Fragments of frescoes from Pylos represent duels of men with

A Mycenaean Vase from Enkomi (c. 1300 B.C.). H. W. Catling and A. Millett, “A study
in the Composition Patterns of Mycenaean Graphic Pottery from Cyprus,” BSA 60
(1965) PI. 60( 1). (Courtesy of the Trustees of the British Museum).

the standard in Europe for many years, and while a bit slow to “catch on” in the US from Athens. Peter P. Kahane,” The Cesnola Krater from Kourion,”
in Noel Robertson, ed., The Archaeology of Cyprus (Park Ridge, N.J.: Noyes Press,
1975) fig. 17. (Courtesy of Noyes Press).


Source of Nudity in Greek Sport

An Argi’ve Geometric shard. Erich Pernice, “Geometrische Vase Aus Athen,”
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archailogischen Instituts, Athenishe Abteilung 17 (1892)
fig. 10. (Courtesy of Gebr Mann Verlag GMbH).
The Greeks felt so strongly about nudity that it was presumed to have a bewitching
effect (c.f. the apotropaic use of the phallos, gestures against the evil eye, etc.).
Their sportsmen were thought to be shielded in some manner by their nudity.21

Simple warriors are occasionally symbolized bare for either “magic, i.e.
apotropaic goals” or for “psychological shock effect” and “to ward off
danger.”22 The apotropaic powers attributed to the male sexual organ is a belief
still in existence among some current cultures. In New Guinea the naked
Papuan warrior of today wears a “cod piece” when equipped for war; these
Cod pieces are made of straw painted in reddish or yellow and are undoubtedly not
meant to hide the member; on the contrary they are just as sharply exhibitionistic as the European cod-pieces of the sixteenth century.23 Marco Polo was
21. Bonfante, Etruscon Dress, p. 102.
22 See Wilkinson, CIassical Attitudes to Modern Issues, pp. 83, 89; Bonfante, Efruscan Dress, p. 102. For
references on the “apotropaic” phallus find Walter Burkert, Structure and History in Greek Mythology and Ritual
(Berkeley, 1979). p. 161, 1×3.
23. Tborkil Vanggaard, Phallos: A Symbol and its History in the Mule World (Fresh York, 1972), p. 166. On
the European codpiece of the sixteenth century the author says: “While the suits of armour lost the slender
elegance which the Gothic ones had possessed a new excrescence developed below the breastplate-the cod piece.

better! If its your first visit, you determine when or even if you need to disrobe!

Its normal to feel apprehensive on your first visit, but since you are in
control, you’ve got nothing to lose by checking it out!
8. You can be you! It’s so refreshing to be around where nudity is not
sex, unlike ads, movies or TV. You don’t have to look like an actor or celebrity
from Baywatch! Nobody’s staring to see if you’ve got a great body or if you are
overweight or too thin! Nobody is checking you out in any way! It does not matter if
your belly button is an inny or an outy! It is OK!
9. No sex! Everyone in a fkk park is having an orgy? NOT! That’s Myth
# 1! (People who think nudity is about sex locate it a lot more convenient to go
to strip bars. Moreover, the naturist resort owners don’t let those folks in
anyways.) Lewd behaviour ISN’T enabled. Ever!
10. Security! You are in a no-jerks zone! People treat you the way you want
to be treated. Difficulties are taken care of right away, notably for girls, so
they do not feel exposed. You will not run into problems like at public beaches
where people stare at bathing suits, giving their imaginations free reign.
11. Popularity and discretion! You will be part of the group! Already,
thousands of Canadians are nudists. But nudism is absolutely confidential, so
nobody knows. Naturist parks are in discreet, only Overview of Paya Bay Clothing Optional Resort in Roatan, Honduras , nicely back
from roads. Those who go accept newcomers anonymity. All naturists regard
Secrecy. The only people who know you love nudism are those you tell.
And if you meet someone at a resort you know, don’t worry about it. They’re
there for the same reasons as you, to have fun.
12. Skinny dipping! All those University of British Columbia students
can’t be wrong! You have heard about all those great topless and nude beaches
elsewhere on earth, Europe, the Caribbean, Florida. But North America’s
second-biggest nude beach is Vancouver’s Wreck Beach, merely at the foundation of a
cliff on the border of the University of British Columbia. On a hot summer day
You will find 12,000 nude people (UBC pupils wouldn’t cut class, would they?)!
There are smaller nude beaches in every state in Canada.
13. It doesn’t cost a lot! You don’t put out the big bucks for a fun
14. It is Natural! If people were meant to go nude, they’d have been
born that way!!!
15. No tan lines! PLUS!
Human sexual behaviour involving accomplishment of sexual arousal through screening
the sexual activities of others or through viewing others disrobe. To some
extent voyeurism is widespread; various kinds of sexual display are a regular
part of sexual interest and mating behavior in most creatures, including humans,
but voyeurism is considered a deviant behaviour when observation ceases to be
Only one factor in sexual interest and becomes the only or primary source of
gratification. The threat of being caught is an additional component in the
Exhilaration of the voyeur.
The following was written by a youthful member of the Federation of Canadian
Naturists. It truly is used with their permission.
1. It is enjoyable! Needless to say, it is not for everyone, but then, neither is
Madonna nor the Red Hot Chili Peppers, NBA basketball nor Batman. But once most
Youthful couples and boyfriends/girlfriends attempt it, they come back. Why? Because
it’s entertaining. You probably know people who have vacationed at nude beaches, who
skinny-dip in their own backyard pool or who lounge around the house bare. Why not?
2. It is healthy! Moreover enhanced self-esteem, the sun alleviates stress,
provides you with Vitamin D, a suntan with SPF 4 protection and helps clear acne.
Naturists don’t overdo their time in the sunlight; they tan safely with a sunscreen.
3. It feels good! You know how gross those jeans and bra straps feel on a
hot steamy day? Or that wet swimsuit when you come out of the water! No more!
Trade it in for the feeling of wind on your back and the sun in your body! Trendy!
4. Self esteem! You’ll feel great about yourself! Nudity makes it possible to become
more open and accept yourself for whom you are, not whether you measure up to
the supermodels you see in advertisements. Welcome to a place that will not quantify worth
as a human being by body size! It makes you a stronger, more confident individual.
5. Be yourself! It’s possible for you to express your individuality! Everyone accepts you
as you are, whether you have a disability, are big-boned, dyed your hair
purple, or have a terrific tat your friends hate. Individuals are brought by
your character! Everybody’s different, and Jewish Naturists – Every Wonder What Judaism Thinks Of Nudism? is valued!
6. So much to do! Volleyball, swimming, basketball, suntanning, golf,
tennis, and all sorts of other activities. There is just about anything youd do
at any campground or plage. Just more.
7. You’re in complete control! You determine when you arrive and leave. You
decide what to do when you are there! Just like if you went to the plage. But
better! If its your first visit, you determine when or even if you desire to disrobe!
Its normal to feel apprehensive on your first visit, but since you’re in
control, you have nothing to lose by checking it out!

in memory because our dignity

and freeom are the wages for
latter opportunity might look like a modest having known Lee.”

with the website authorities, in addition, it attests a
naturist interest in maintaining the integ- point, but much too many naturists forget
rity and health of the acreage.
the pleasures of being outside in nature clothing-free,

TNS assemblies and festivals typically surrounded by birds and animals, and
offer workshops and seminars notify- swimming in the living water of lakes and
ing attendees about their relationship to streams.
the natural world. Vegetarian alternatives are
Lee Baxandall’s early work in theatrioffered at gathering and festival meals, and cal and performance arts establish the tone for
each assembly offers the chance to get TNS’ support of aesthetic excellence. N
away from the developed club grounds for has covered many important art works and
a day to a local plage or hot spring. This events that exemplify the topics of body
50 | Nude & Natural 28.3

Scootch Pankonin

worked with him as integral parts of TNS
for years: Nicky Hoffman, Judi Ditzler,
and Margaret Thornton. All three valued Baxandall’s work in TNS, and wanted

to see his vision continued. Ditzler—with
Aid from Mark Storey and others—
would edit N magazine, Hoffman would
manage the office and N Network, and
Thornton would continue to keep course
of the company and financial end of things.
Baxandall would continue to provide valuable consultation and occasional magazine
articles until his physical well-being limited his
ability to do so.

In the preceding image, Andrew Loomis expresses his view that standard proportions look dumpy (he even contains a balding scalp and drooping moustache) to himself and most artists and the idealistic and epic proportion models are always the best way to go. Many do agree with this, but perhaps this really is only because we as people are used to seeing these proportions and hence regard them as ordinary rather than the proportions more true to life. under the fresh
reign was the co-publication of The World’s
Finest Nude Beaches and Resorts. Mike Charles
and Nick Mayhew-Smith of England’s
Lifestyle Press had successfully released
three “coffee-table” quality guide books to
nude beaches and resorts in Europe, and
contacted TNS proposing that TNS and
Lifestyle Press team up to cowrite and copublish an updated version of Baxandall’s
World Guide to Nude Beaches and Resorts.
The latest variant of Baxandall’s renowned
guide was still great, but the development of new resorts and a change in
status of many shores globally had
Made a demand for a new edition. In
2007, after a year of research and traveling
by co authors Nick Mayhew-Smith and
Mark Storey, along with editorial work
from Mike Charles, Nicky Hoffman (now
Hoffman Lee), and Judi Ditzler (who’d
at this point left TNS to work for another
firm, but continued to do editorial work
on particular projects), TNS and Lifestyle
Press released The World’s Best Nude Beaches
and Resorts to show the world how much
fun could be had on a naturist vacation
in almost any part of the world. The guide
Instantly became and remains the first
Pick in print for those seeking advice about naturist traveling.

Baxandall was happy to see the years
of work on the many editions of his World
Guide continued by those with his vision.
With Hoffman Lee now at the editorial
helm of N magazine, he continued to provide consultation, posts, and a precious
historical view until his passing on
November 28, 2008. His passing is a loss
to nudism around the world, as he, more
than anyone else, brought both aesthetic
Grasp and political savvy, along with

lightheartedness and intellectual rigor, to
the quest for body approval and naturist

nization can supply. Having said that, NAC has
a rich Web site providing comprehensive advice about U.S. state and Canadian provincial laws as they pertain to nudity. Its Toni
TNS & the Future
Egbert Law Library is a valuable source
of tips for lawyers looking for
Currently well into 21st century, TNS acknowl- info on court cases of interest to
Borders that naturists and non-naturists are skinny-dippers. NAC’s site is also of use
becoming cyber-literate and that more and for public discussion on matters pertaining
more individuals are looking to the Web for to naturist activism in North America.
their information and reading diversion.
This is where TNS stands now. Its
Although TNS stays a membership orga- members are true—retention rates remain
nization expressing itself primarily through near 80 percent—and keep much of the
the printed word and face to face private volunteer, grassroots heart that helped to
interaction, TNS and N are reacting to transfer problems of body-freedom out of the
the call for on-line access.
Mid century dark ages of corporate nud
TNS has maintained a Web site since ism. It is created as the top advo1996, at The site cate for nude use on appropriate public
has been fully re designed sever- lands. Its innovative magazine is a model
al times, featuring Movie Game Nudity – The unheeded town of Deadhole, an official nudist town in AC:NL: (4900-2288-3659) (Regrettably, I didn’t put much thought into the rest of the match) to N articles, and standard for many naturist publicaNetwork contacts, Gathering and Festival tions.
Info, NAC Alerts, and an online
With all its diversity and idiosyncraSkinny-Dipper Shop.
sies, The Naturist Society moves ahead in

The Never Ending Cycle Of Drama From Vita Nuda

Vita Nuda Creates Young Nudist Play
(Please note that the below post is my own personal view – Jordan Blum)
Vita Nuda and Young Fkk Play Clarified – As most of you know, we just had our 8th, extremely successful, nude night out – Nude Halloween Party in NYC. But this wasn’t simply a naked party, it was also a fundraiser – we’re helping to raise cash for Lupus Research.
As usual, we posted our event on Facebook to notify individuals of the occasion. The energy was favorable and folks were excited. So why do some young naturist leaders want to create drama? And regardless of the reasoning behind it, why do these individuals insist on doing things publicly, which in turn compels us to react openly.
Fully being a strong advocate for freedom of speech, I asked that the comment not be removed by any FKK member. As disturbing as it would be to see, individuals have a right to their view as I have the right to disagree.
The reason behind this recent rant by the Vita Nuda young naturist group leader, was this post: Fkk Organizations . That post that wasn’t meant as an attack on any one group.
It was a call to action for folks to hold the Fkk Organizations they support to their own individual mission statements. Till the preceding post was published, it had not happened to me that it might be perceived as a personal attack. Unfortunately to say, no one seemed to think of contacting me before going off and making that hateful public statement mentioned previously.
Sadly, I am unable to interact with this individual from Vita Nuda directly (not from a lack of trying on my part).
Vita Nuda Creates Young Nudist Drama
But at its center, I felt the need to address this dilemma for several reasons, some of which I recorded below:
A – This cycle keeps going and going regardless of how long we attempt to dismiss it.
B – This particular opinion was incredibly upsetting to me on a private level, particularly since my sister suffers from Lupus.
C – I believe it’s important that folks know what goes on and the time that we’re compelled to waste dealing with junk issues such as this.
D – I feel people need to understand that an e-mail or a phone call would get more of a favorable response than an online attack.
E – At the time this print screen was taken, 8 people clicked “like”. I am unsure if people even take time to read what they are “enjoying”. If this is indeed the situation, then they need to recognize that by clicking “enjoy” How Social Nudity Healed My Body Image Issues and Struggles are supporting the comment that was made.
F – FKK is a structured organization with morals that guide us. Such conduct is unacceptable and we believe that a public apology is called for (unless the person who made the comment stands by it).
G – This remark was made publicly, by a Vita Nuda group leader and signed off with the Vita Nuda slogan. Since this person is an official “leader” and used the tag line, we assume that it represents the ideals of this group. (This would hold true in any other business)
H – FKK members are encouraged to voice opinions and they know they will not risk being kicked out for just disagreeing with something we said and / or did. While on the flip side, both Felicity Jones and myself have been kicked out of most Vita Nuda online groups. The Vita Nuda Facebook groups were made “secret” and we are unable to socialize with them on pretty much any level.
I – I am just so worried that I felt the need to share my thoughts.
I did my best to present the dilemma. I do not mean to shame Modesty, Body Image & Why I’m Joining NYC Bodypainting Day . I actually would like to hear if perhaps I am losing something. Perhaps it is my error and such comments are actually productive in some way. Since the end result is far less important than the process there, I feel I need some perspective here because I just “do not get it.”
Feel free to comment. As long as it is an erudite comment, as always, it WOn’t be removed. Mad rants are a different story.
This article, which deals with the problem of Vita Nuda Creating Young Nudist Drama was released by – Young Naturists And Young Nudists America FKK
Labels: young nudists and naturists
Category: Naturist Organizations, Social Nudity Sites
About the Writer (Author Profile)

Jordan Blum is a lifelong nudie and cofounder of Nudist Portal.

First goals, she readily acknowledges, was not to do the run, but to get the T-shirt. Upon

discovering the group was actually going to do the run, she became “a little
apprehensive,” and ”voyeuristic.” Yet, her fascination prevailed, and she soon discovered
herself in the limits of the fkk resort. When asked to describe some of her feelings
about visiting the resort, she responded as such,
My initial reaction was dread. I was actually surprised how nervous and
Apprehensive I felt about being there. I felt physically ill in addition to embarrassed. And I was
concerned how I would respond to seeing someone publicly nude. I was concerned that the
nudists would see me as an intruder, a curiosity seeker, and would not appreciate me being
there. But once I was in the resort, I located the nudists to be friendly and the setting of
the resort to be very casual and welcoming. Nearly immediately I felt at ease. My
Encounter at the resort turned out to be surprisingly agreeable. I found the nudists
welcoming and accepting. No one attempted to drive me into becoming a naturist and no one
made me feel uneasy about being clothed. Nudists would grin and say hello, but
no one tried to recruit me into that lifestyle. It all felt really natural. And in a way, I envy
the nudists the ability to bathroom in the sun in the ‘all natural’ and not feel inhibited or embarrassed.
Prior to visiting the resort, my subject never really gave much consideration to societal
nudism. Nonetheless, as an open minded person, she believes that social nudism is not just a
Private lifestyle, but a personal selection. Since visiting the resort my issue promises her
Private viewpoints on social nudism haven’t changed. She considers that social nudism should
be permitted, but in restricted regions, away from the general public. She also believes that the
Societal naturist, must be a ”little anti-establishment,” because this lifestyle goes against the
mainstream perspective, though she added, “But being a bit anti-organization is not necessarily a
Awful thing.”
When asked to describe what she learned from the experience she answers, “I cannot
say Gunnison Beach – 6 A.M.I grew up in a home where nudity was no huge deal. learned a lot, but what I did learn has stayed with me. I learned that nudists are the
same as everyone else but they decide to go without clothes. I found that there were more
male nudists which makes me consider that men are My first time narrative is a little unique, at least in some ways. than girls. And I learned

that nudists come in all shapes and sizes and economical levels. And expertise confirmed my
belief that nudism isn’t a sexual culture, but a natural one. ” 2

Interview #3

My third theme, instead of being personally interviewed, favored to write about
his experience at a naturist resort.
“My name is John K. I was first introduced to the notion of Nudism well over a
year past by Joyce Casto. I’ll acknowledge that I wasn’t very knowledgeable and unprepared to
embrace or simply discuss the topic of social nudism. After Joyce offered an invitation to
visit a local nudist resort called Lake Como, I started to feel a sense of expectation and
excitement build within, as the ” Day to go Naked” day grew nearer.
About myself, I am a 56 year old white male, raised Catholic, but still rebellious
enough to explore the spices of life God had created for us on this great earth. It was in my
first year of college that I and some of my fraternity brothers tried to enter a local
Naturist resort. Naturally, we were refused access and could not even sneak a peek into
what we considered a banned culture of beautiful, young naked females, prancing around
like nymphs in God’ s well safe and secure Garden of Eden. We as young men were
allowing our raging hormones to guide us and justify our actions, rather than our brains!
So, in May, 2001, over 36 years after, I stood at the entrance of Lake Como Resort
with the delight and anticipation that my destiny would be fulfilled. I would start to

feel a wave of immaturity, well up inside for me, as I took pride in the feeling of my assignment
Eventually being realized. I literally had very little concept of what social nudism was

really around as I crossed the threshold into this theatre of nakedness. The first lesson I
learned was that I ‘d to be comfortable with my own body. I first discovered a sign posted
which read, clothing optional, but nudity is supported. That provided a comfortable sign
for me to discard my top, but to leave my short pants and topsiders on. After gazing around a bit
at all the unclothed people, I came to the realization that much person thought goes into
feeling comfy with the bodies that God has blessed us with. Saying yes to being
naked and unashamed,” isn’t for the feeble, but for the strong of mind and spirit.
As we made our way through the apparently herd of human anatomy, I started to feel

more comfortable with my presence and approval of each and every female and male
body. At this point, I am going to admit that I had presumed that I ‘d objectify the female
Citizenry and ignore the men in attendance for concern that I would be viewed as odd or