enhanced my understanding of this culture. I first visited a naturist resort three years ago with

a group of buddies who invited me to participate in the yearly, ”Dare to go Bare,” run/walk,
at Lake Como. At first I thought they were kidding but when it happened to me that they
weren;t, I told them that I ‘d need to consider it and get back to them. A couple of weeks
passed and there was no reference of the naked run. I thought I was off the hook! Little did I
know, my buddies had intended all along to spring it on me again, while doing the Clearwater
Yearly Sunlight and Fun run/walk Not only that, but I ‘d to let them know right then and
there, if I was going to do it or not, as the event was the ve*ry next morning! Speak about
“peer pressure,” the next thing I knew, my buddies were outside gangsta rap), working with computers, and speaking raring to go!
We were not gone long when I started to feel somewhat apprehensive as various thoughts began
Going through my head, wondering what to expect. Though I have always been interested

about this lifestyle, I never thought I would ever be seeing a nudist resort. As our final
destination drew nearer, my expectation grew stronger.
Soon we’d tum off the main highway and travel down a dirt road that would
eventually lead us deeper and deeper into the wilderness. I kept saying to myself, alright, no
Trouble, I can manage this. Suddenly, a guy appeared motioning for us to roll down our
window. He handed us a notice, saying that disrobing in the parking lot is prohibited
because of the adjoining non- nudist neighborhood, and to please wait until inside the resort
to remove our clothing. Immediately after reading that, I looked at my fiiend who was
driving, and concurrently, we became white as ghosts. I then said out loud, “I think I’m

going to be sick.” Meanwhile, the other two women, who were in the back seat began to
laugh uncontrollably. Then all of a sudden, one of them bursts out, “Look there’s a naked .
Nudism, Seclusion and Using Cell Phones at Naturist Resorts !” At that instant I couldn’t bring myself to look, nor could my fiiend who was
also feeling somewhat queasy by this time. We no earlier parked the car, when both girls in
the back, leaped out instantly, while me and my fiiend sat and contemplated if we could
bring ourselves to enter the resort. All of a sudden, a Mercedes pulls up next to us with a
Youthful couple indoors. They fast leave their car and begin taking their clothes off right there
and then. Shocked, as were my fiiends, I thought to Most nudist resorts aren’t considerably different than classic resorts. Tasks are dependent on the particular nature of the resort itself, but they mostly exist to provide naturists with a spot to go relax and have fun. People who book holidays at nudist resorts as they are interested about the naturist lifestyle are frequently surprised at all of the people they see. , how impolite, that they did not even
bother to acknowledge the notice that was given to everyone who entered the parking lot.
They, of all individuals, assuming that they were Naturists, should have understood better. I guess
one could say that Naturist Promotion with Naturist Portal do not feel they have to follow the rules. Shortly, almost
every parking space was taken. As I watched folks getting out of their cars, I noticed that
some of them came by themselves, in small groups, or as a couple. The average age group


ranged from mid twenties to about late forties. After monitoring for awhile, my friends and I
decided it was time to enter the resort.
Once inside, I found myself cautiously gazing about for a moment, in an attempt to
get some form of feel, for this fresh surroundings. I immediately started seeing individuals
socializing while naked. At first I felt awkward, and uncomfortable. Afterward, as I was attempting to
process my feelings, a gentleman (a Naturist), motioned for me to come over to his table to
sign in for the event. Hesitantly, I continued to make my way over to him. He greeted me
with a friendly smile, while complementing me on my Sun & Fun T -shirt. I stood and discussed
to him for awhile before returning to my buddies.
Since we’d time before the race began, my buddies and I determined to take a casual
Wander through the resort. By this time, which was a relatively brief period of time, I discovered
that I was becoming more comfortable in this environment. We first fell upon the pool
Place where numerous people were bare sunbathing, and skinny-dipping. Off to the side was
a tiki bar named, “The Butt Hut.” I must confess I did find this quite enjoyable, the name that
is. Leaving the pool area and proceeding down the road a ways, we entered the residential
section where each home was nestled among a thick forest of trees, creating a natural
feeling. I found that most of the residents were elderly in this region, finding that there
were very few kids. The children I did happen to see, were quite young, probably
between two and six years old. They seemed very comfortable playing outside *in the
nude. Although this did not surprise me, as my own children would have probably enjoyed
this also, ifl would have allowed for it. Next we ventured down to the lake where we came
upon a man made plage and resort area. My friends and I hung out here for awhile, until it
was time for our race to start.

As we lined up for the race, I began casually glancing around to see if any other

people were wearing clothing. To my surprise, there were a few girls going partly bare,

Competitive or threatening situations. 31 Freud wrote that a number of persons

reported that they experience the first signs of delight within their genitals
during fighting or wrestling with playmates. Erections of human members are
Often in association with aggressive or fearful dream scenarios. It has been
Stressed that member-exhibition can have a purely competitive part, and that the
contraction of the muscular tissue of the human member, causing the erection,
may occur without sexual arousal, as an expression of aggression. 32
Many scholars point out that the erect member may symbolize dominance and
power. Bronze Age people of Scandinavia and northern Italy equated phallic
power with the power of the spear, the sword and the ax as is clear from their
petroglyphs. Other military items, especially clubs, can take analogous

phallic symbolism. The club of Legba, the phallic god of African Dahomey,
was many times carved as a phallus and was regarded as an attacking weapon.33
The giant prehistoric figure cut in the chalk downs near Cerne Abbas in England
is ithyphalic and carries, like Heracles, a club. 34 Supernatural power is frequently
29. Wolfgang Wickler, “Socio-Sexual Signals,” in Morris, PrimaleEthology, pp. 1 I I, 116; Burkert, Structure
and History. p. 45 (quotation); H. Detley et al., “Studies in Social and Sexual Behavior of the Squirrel Monkey
(Saimiri Scireus),” Folia Primarologica I (1963): 49, 62.
30. H. Hooton, “The Relevance of Primate Studies in Anthropology,” Human Biology 26 (1954): 179-88.
31. Wickler, “Socio-Sexual Signs,” p. 128. Paul D. MacLean, “Fresh Findings Relevant to the Development of
Psycho Sexual Functions of the Brain,”Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 135 (1962): 296 wrote: “One sees
combative behaviour even in the nursing babe, that will angrily fight the breast if no milk is coming, and at
The exact same time develop penile erections.”
32. S. Freud, Felicity Jones of FKK, Author of Felicity’s Naturist Blog to the Theory of Sex. Trans. by A. A. Brill (Awesome York, 1948). p. 68; Ernest
Hartman. The Biology of Dreaming (Springfield, Mass., Bob’s Burgers Unclothed Beach Episode Gets It Right (Nearly) ), p. 189; idem, Sleep and Dreaming (Boston.
1970). p. 209; Vanggaard. Phallos, p. 74.
33. Vanggaard, Phallos. p. 14; A. B. Ellis, This article about the male penis was printed by Young Naturists and Young Nudists America FKK -Speakin,g Individuals, pp. 41-42. Also see E.R.E.. S.V.
34. Rawsom, Primitive Eroric Art. p. 73. The notion the phallus symbolizes power is still common among
some primitive tribes. In British New Guinea when the harpoon maker chooses a. tree which appears suitable for the
making of a harpoon shaft he presses his erect phallus against the trunk of the tree so that the harpoon shaft might
be straight, strong and perfect (See Landman, Kiwai Papuans of British New Guinea, p. 120).


Journal of Sport History, Vol. 12, No. 3 (Winter, 1985)

conceptualized by the Apaches as phallic in source. In addition the Apaches
equate arrow and phallus in their everyday conversation. 35
There exists a large phallus symbolism that according to some authorities
even comprises sceptre, mace, etc. The Egyptian king of the gods Amon-Re is
depicted in the temple at Karnak with an extremely large erect phallus3(j Osiris, the
protector of Egypt, was signified on statuary with the phallus exposed and
erect. The exaggerated sexual organs of the early Roman, Greek and Egyptian
phallic deities are in agreement with the significance attached to sexual virility
and power. The Greek herms shared a message of power and protection.
Even the herms that Hipparchos, son of Pisistratos set up in 530 B.C. between
the village and market place, “while exhibiting moral epigrams, marked the
territory of the tyrant.” In ancient Scandinavia the statue of god Frey or Frico
was equipped with a big phallus. In the National Museum of Copenhagen
There’s a wooden picture of a phallic god from the Celtic Iron Age.37
The phallic signal was also a gesture against the evil eye and disorder. In some
cases the exhibit of the phallus as a means of battling the effects of the evil
eye took a realistic aspect, as in the baring of the sexual organs, and there can be
little doubt that among some cultures, and on special occasions nudity is
practiced with this particular object in view. 38 Amulets of phallic nature were, and
still remain in some parts of the world, the most common for the prevention of
Disorder and the protection from death in battle, evil spirits, evil eye and other
Unnatural calamities. They’ve been made and worn all over Europe, as well
as in India, China and Japan as supernatural energizers.39
35. L. Bryce Bayer, “Stone as a Symbol in Apache Folklore, ” in Fantasy and Symbol: Studies in Anthropology Interpretation ed. R. H. Hook (London- Facebook should actually only give up the crazy censorship and make free speech the default. I envision an open, collective space as one in which we all get to exchange ideas and content without being at the mercy of one piqued user or a corporation’s idea of what they may deem obscene. , 1979). pp. 223-25.
36. Wickler, “Socio-Sexual Signals,” 129-3 I, f. 17. For more on the phallic symbolism in Egypt and Italy, see
Elworthy, Evil Eye, pp. 153-55.
37. Scott, Phallic Worship, p. 55; Burke & Construction and History, p. 40 (quotation); Vanggaard, Phallos, pp.
84-85: E.R.E., S.V. “Phallism.”

Educational Piece about Topfreedom

By Paul Rapoport, Co-ordinator of the Topfree Equal Rights Association
Topfreedom and Top-Free Equality:
Topfreedom And Top-Free Equality- So what’s this topfree equality for girls thing? What is its link to nudism?
Many naturists are not down for it, definitely. It is an out-there public dilemma instead of a private campground one. Then there is It ain’t bare, so it ain’t naturist.
But women’s topfreedom is in thick with nudism. It too plans to free the body from priggish prudery. It too wants to demolish the unholy notion that skin = sin. It too assaults the rampant body phobia so beloved of politicians.
Topfree Equality
However, we should not stand for folks crying Bare! at topfree girls. Naturally, the media love to trap that word on them. What do you expect, when they use naked for nearly anything less than a winter coat, including the asinine label bare evening gown?
The Topfree Equal Rights Association (TERA) was formed in 1997. Yep, we are going on 15. Polish Food Review By Michal founding objective was to help girls hassled for being topfree. Ideally, we’d like to help them before they get into trouble, to avert it!
Over the years we’ve managed to meet every leading North American topfree activist (note – topfree not topless). All five of ’em.
Topfreedom and Topfree Equality
Just kidding. There are more, like the Rochester 7, from 1986. But the women who have taken a long term stand against patriarchal command of breasts are still few and literally way between. Progress is slow.
In recent years, another organization, GoTopless, has organized protests in August in favor of topfreedom. Just how to Practice Nudity in Your Family for them. Those happenings get the media salivating, and we need all that yakking. But GoTopless doesn’t comprehend legal situations. In addition, it includes specific baggage that the media do not take seriously.
There are other laws concerning sexual oriented companies, but none of these apply to you personally. So far as the health code goes, the State of New Jersey has authorized municipalities to regulate the public health as they see fit. Any local ordinances are to be enforced by the local health inspector, and normally, a municipal court judge will not care about the constitutionality of a particular code being applied. They will wind up siding with the health inspector and fining you again and again until you correct the behavior. If you are hit with a fine for violating any health code, you have the right to appeal it, but that is incredibly expensive, considerably more expensive than paying the fine, which is why municipal judges do not care about whether the ordinance is constitutional or not. Whatever the health inspector asks of you, listen, or face fines because of this. Much like traffic tickets, health code violations raise a good deal of money for a Township, which can be a concern when Judges are upward for term renewal. in topfreedom is the Naturist Action Committee, whose Executive Director, not an attorney, can write a legal brief better than many attorneys.
The coordinator of TERA is a man. Oops, another credibility problem, although we don’t encounter it much any more. We give out advice, help in legal matters, and motivate women: not to be topfree (’cause that’s their decision) but to take steps to allow that choice if they need it, including supporting other women who do.
In the early days, In the spring of 1989 (to back up a bit), FKK sent its members their first copy of Nude & Natural magazine. FKK picked a brand new title for its official journal for lots of motives. First, some individuals new to the magazine had trouble understanding the name; they were hearing “Closed With The Sun” when “Clothed With The Sun” was talked. Even after the name was clarified, most folks still did not catch the historical reference to the Home Colony. Second, although FKK comprehended that changing names and symbols is always a risky move, it determined that a change would offer the opportunity to reinforce the biological value of social nudity by linking the words “bare” and “natural.” The words are neutral involving issues peripheral to naturism, and focus attention on two of the core values of naturists: societal nudity and a sympathetic relationship to the natural environment. The fresh name accurately downplayed any understanding that naturism was merely a sun-oriented action. After all, folks can love nudism inside, in the shade, or at nighttime; and with the mid-1980s panic over skin cancer, FKK was justifiably bashful of evoking a sun-related metaphor. (Note the similar and later shift from the “American Sunbathing Association” to the “American Association for Nude Recreation.”) Along with a name change, FKK embraced a fresh logo. FKK member Carl Hild indicated early on that a easy, cryptic symbol was needed, one that would allow fellow naturists to recognize one another without the need to blatantly advertise one’s preference for nudity. Hild supplied some rough sketches from which designer Jack White adapted the slanted capital N for FKK. Now the “N” Standing foremost for “bare,” “naked,” and “natural,” might also be related to other affirming words like “fine” or “nurturing.” Nude & Natural magazine has continued the tradition of journalistic excellence established by Clothed With The Sun. Today N is considered the journal of record among naturist publications in the English-speaking world. No other magazine, newspaper, or newsletter printed in English comes close to N in its depth and breadth of coverage of newsworthy events connecting to non-lewd social nudity. N in size alone more than doubles other naturist publications all over the world. FKK is proud to be the leader in covering naturist history, social commentary, artwork coverage, travel reports, and other naturist-related matters. heard lots of gripes against women’s topfree equality that naturists may easily envision. Here are a few, with rejoinders we have never used (’cause we are considerate and all):
1. Breasts are sex organs!
They’re glands, ma’am, just modified sweat glands. How hot is that?
2. Girls prancing around showing their tits make guys assault them!
See that cow prancing over there? It’s gonna force me to eat it.
3. However, it is not safe!
Psst, I’ll tell you a secret. Girls have brains. Enable them to use them.
4. What about the kids!
Yes, what about forcing your ignorant bigotry on children?
5. Only girls who’re hawt should let ’em out!
See no. 6 below, you sexist pig. (Note to self: drop the ’60s conversation.)
6. Only women who’re awful should go topless!
See no. 5 above, you sexist pig. (Note to self: you failed.)
7. Women are different!
Got that right. That means they must not vote, go to school, get a job, or have cash. Keep ’em barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen!
Despite all that crap, we’ve detected the topfree move being taken much more seriously even in the last five years. More girls (and men) see what it is about and what it’s not. Some of that’s due to GoTopless. It is due more simply to the many women who need control over their own breasts.
We understand that breastfeeding continues to be an issue in this country, because every time a woman feeds her child that way in public, some nut case will probably hiss Obscene! But kids adore breast milk. Everyone must see them feeding that way, because it is ordinary, natural, and crucial. Graphics of breastfeeding aren’t porn. (Someone tell Facebook.) If women’s topfreeedom were possible, we’d not have any issue with public breastfeeding.

So yes, what about the children! Topfree equality is for them also, so they grow up healthy and free of breast fixation and women’s suppression.
Here’s to all those girls who get it and desire to do something about it!
Topfreedom and Top-Free Equality Problems in addition to Nudistsand Naturists Top Free Blogsby -Young Nudists and Naturists website FKK
Tags: body shame, breasts, discrimination, feminism, topfreedom and topfree equality, topless / topfree
Class: Feminism and Women’s Problems and Human Rights, Public Nudity and Being Nude In Public, Societal Activism
About the Writer (Author Profile)
Guest blogs written completely for Fkk Portal.

Kim Kardashian and Fat Shaming Celebs

Fat Shaming Celebrities needs to Cease – Fat Shaming in General Needs to Quit!
Fat Shaming Celebs – Our society continues to put a large focus on weight and the importance of a “healthy” body.
Every year, an increased inspection is still put on celebs whose every pound is examined and critiqued any time their weight fluctuates.
They are slandered in the tabloids any time their bones are revealing, yet bashed when they gain a bit of pudge on the abdomen.
Fat Shaming Kim Kardashian:
Among the latest stars who has been criticized for her weight gain is Jessica’s First Time Naturist Narrative . Although Kim Kardashian has consistently been accepted as a full figured girl, the media has been relentlessly shaming her for gaining 20 pounds during her pregnancy (with Kanye West).
Perhaps her name is being scrutinized more closely now due to her minute-long union that ended in divorce.
Since Kim Kardashian split with Kris Humphries, many people have presumed she is only trying to acquire more celebrity standing. Gossip aside, the bottom line is that folks are being unkind and mocking a pregnant woman for gaining weight.
Fat Shaming Celebrities
The viciousness and intensity of the fat shaming that Kim Kardashian is compelled to deal with on a daily basis is unfathomable. Like her or not, Kim Kardashian is a pregnant lady and deserves to be treated with some human decency!
Kim Kardashian Pregnant
Fat Shaming CelebrityChristina Aguilera:
Another celeb who has lately gained weight and made headlines for it’s Christina Aguilera. In her teens and early 20’s, she was known for having Felicity Reviews Solair Nudist Resort In CT that was fit and youthful.
Now, she is been talked about harshly for seeming heftier with a rounder face on The Voice. The more she’s defended herself, My First Naturist Blog For FKK gained.
Christina Aguilera Fat Shaming
Fat Shaming CelebrityMelissa McCarthy:
Finally, another notable celeb whose weight and body image are a hot topic in Hollywood is Melissa McCarthy, who appeared in Bridesmaids.
She seemingly takes it all in stride, saying she frequently eats healthy and exercises, but can not discard the weight.
Melissa McCarthy Fat Shaming
Fat Star Shaming
Celebrities must deal with public opinions on a daily basis. Many decide to lose the weight to gain “better” interest. Others keep it on and try to ignore the critics.
But what do these three individuals have in common? They are all women. Without a doubt, women receive nearly all criticism in regards to look. This is why Kim’s fat shaming even garnered the interest of feminist activist Gloria Steinem, who was quoted as saying, “Our bodies are never public property under any condition.”

But female celebs’ bodies are definitely treated that way all the time.
It is unfortunate that, as a society, appearances are more important to us than an individual’s personality. As Steinem also noted, “Criticizing people’s bodies devalues both their brains and ours.”
It looks as if the more a celeb is disliked for their personality, the more their weight is analyzed. This may make them more of an easy target for bullying.
All we can do is continue to fight the good fight. We try to reverse people’s natural tendencies to judge on appearance. But society can be cruel, and some folks have this need to put down others so that they can feel better about themselves.
Although it’s a sad reality and sometimes, completely disgusting, celebs must recognize that it comes with the package.
What can you do? Speak out against this kind of fat shaming Latest Naked News Stories:Zelda Suplee andLooking Good Naked Man! .
And do not purchase tabloids. They may be just printing what they think will sell magazines. So just do not consume it!
This post about Fat Shaming Kim Kardashian and other Stars was released By: Young Naturists And Nudists America FKK

Naked News Roundup: What We’re Reading This Week

Body Image
– At 419 pounds, Stavros Luca is not your typical beauty pageant contestant. But that did not prevent this body-confident guy from entering the Mr. (68%) children were not exposed. For exposure to parental nudity, exposure was more . With overwhelming support in the audience, Stavros won 1st place! The story is wonderful and inspirational, but it doesn’t quite have a happy ending. The local news coverage erased him in the storyline, and event organizers determine to disqualify on him two days later on a bullshit technicality. Read the complete story here, and the brief Guardian documentary (embedded at the ending) is worth watching. [Mic]
Results from one of BuzzFeed’s Body Image Survey Questions
– BuzzFeed began size” model and body acceptance advocate Tess Munster went on HuffPost Live to talk about shows off nude and her past and current battles with her body image.
– Well-Known “plus-size
Topfree Equality
– The nipple was eventually freed this weekend with the Free The Nipple movie release! The reviews are kind of abysmal. Thus far I Had describe the consensus as “well-intentioned, but shallow and amateurish.” The New York Times described Fkk Party – Bare Years Eve Bash Brings Good Tidings and Great Joy from Coast to Coast as “first and foremost the cinematic equivalent of a billboard.” I went to the premiere last week and will be posting Choices are limited, but one thought is to see a unclothed hot tub for some hydrotherapy that does not require a bathing suit. This can be one of the things I generally suggest to nudies seeing NYC from out of town – when we do not have any events to propose. I wish there were some indoor nudist clubhouse to speak of, but we always need to lease / locate our own spaces. . For now, here’s among the favorable reviews that I loved in Time, which focuses on why topfree equality matters.
Naked Yoga
– Another writer tried a NYC naked yoga class at Bold & Naked Yoga, and gave a adorable, favorable report of her experience. Though note that coed naked yoga continues to be going on in NY for years, and she’s wrong stating that Bold & Naked is the first. [Well Great]
– As mentioned in the preceding Naked News Roundup, a UK documentary called “The Naked Village” aired last week. It centers a nudist club in Britain called Spielplatz. Based on this sympathetic review, it seems somewhat glum. The entire 45-minute documentary can be streamed on YouTube. [The Guardian]
Rogen and Franco on Naked and Afraid. Pic: Discovery Channel
– To promote their new movie, Seth Rogen and James Franco did a spoof episode of Naked and Afraid. There were some good jokes, and they managed to do it without body-shaming. The best line: Seth asking for a giant blur on his crotch area. You can watch it online here.
Oldie but Goodie
– Originally printed in Bitch magazine in 2012, this in-depth report on naturism is superb. It’s positive overall, but the writer brings up some valid criticisms and questions about the future of the naturist movement. Anyone concerned with the future of naturism should read it. [Bitch Magazine / Alternet]
Young Naturists & Naturists America
Labels: nude news
Category: Naked News
About the Writer (Author Profile)
Author of Naturist Website. Co founder of Nudist Portal. 3rd-generation nudie. Avid reader. Feminist. 70% vegan, 30% vegetarian. Once I’m not busy eating, I’m writing about naturism, censorship, topfree equality, body image and other fun topics. I like comments, so Naked Pool Swim Bash And Socially Unclothed Story leave a comment when you have got something to say!

My First Naked Party – read All About It!

(Guest Nudist Site By Anon)
The Narrative of my Very First Naked Party
In this day and age, nudity is as common as cell phones, laptops, or its antithesis of garments. Nudity and nudism for many, notably the young, is no big deal. Yet, nudity often strikes a different chord with those securely put in the “age of reason”.
My first encounter with social nudity was a year or two after graduating from school. It happened out of the blue as one would imagine with this kind of issue.
Everything began when a female friend from school contacted me about attending a Come as You’re celebration. I am always thinking about a good bash so I inquired as to the notion of the motif. I was floored when she described that “come as you are” meant attending the celebration naked!
Now, some might think that being male, I ‘d have jumped on the offer, but I was really rather irresolute. I wondered what kind of people would go to this kind of party. I envisioned a celebration full of old nude hippies or exhibitionist, prancing around to music from Hair. Yet, I was also a little curious.

I was flattered when my friend disclosed that she had thought of me because I was among the most open minded men she knew. She also reassured me that the group attending were anything but sleazy. I do not understand if it was her faith in me or my own personal fascination, but after a week of pondering, I relented.
Young Adult Nudist Gathering At Rock Lodge In New Jersey! approached rapidly. Upon arriving, I was apprehensive, especially as I scanned the room seeing largely nude masses of skin staring warmhearted and grinning at me. I was approached by the hostess who invited Celebrating Summer Solstice With Naked Hiking and Naked Swimming to relax and offered me a cocktail, which I am sorry to say fast turned into three.
My friend vanished into the powder room leaving me to fend for myself. Eventually I joined in. I must admit that going naked in public isn’t that awful, albeit it was “uncomfortable” at first.
We did everything found in a traditional party, we simply did it in the nude. We danced, had some drinks, laughed and basically just had a good time (even though I was just a little concerned for the furniture).
In the end, I found the experience rewarding. I realized that in the grand scheme of things, clothing has nothing to do with human interaction. Home Nudist Inquires How To Be Casually Naked in Front of Surprise Visitor was pleasantly surprised at how fun and freeing nonsexual societal nudity can be. Yet, going bare in a people is an acquired taste. I am sure it becomes easier for some, yet, I do not believe I am quite there yet.
It will take me some time before I am ready to attend school I was on the cross country team. We ran about 🙂
Nudist Blogs And Nudism Articles About Bare Party And Naked Parties ByYoung Naturists And Nudists America FKK
Tags: naked and naked parties
Class: Bare Party and Naked Parties, Social Nudity Sites
About the Author (Author Profile)
Guest blogs written exclusively for Naturist Portal.

Playa Sonrisa Food Review – Mexican Fkk Resort

Review Of The Food At Playa Sonrisa – A Mexican Nudist Resort
Mexican Naturist Resort – Sending back to my naturist resort mexico review of Playa Sonrisa in Mexico, this a second review just for all the delish food we ate at the resort.
The continental breakfast comprised a number of fresh fruit including mango, pineapple and melon. Each day we found a distinct type of delectable home made muffin on the table, newly baked bread, jam, and hard-boiled eggs, consistently served with coffee and tea, too of course. The orange juice was made of mandarin oranges, a delicious change of pace.
The lunch menu changed daily, and consisted of typical American sandwiches like turkey and roast beef along with Mexican fare like Guacamole served with chips and shrimp quesadillas. The guacamole was everything you’d need guacamole to be with savory soft chunks of avocado, tomato and onion.
Mexican Nudist Resort – Fabric / Clothes-Optional Sign at Playa Sonrisa’s shore
Though they’ll adapt vegetarians with advance notice, I decided to forgo my meatless eating habits and try almost everything at dinner. Each meal started with a tantalizing soup course of Or perhaps none of them. I think the good news is, though, the aversion appears to be dissipating, which I think is a good thing. It seems like it’s somewhat “acceptable” now for girls to have pubic hair, but then again, maybe I am biased because I exist in a little pocket bubble of the web (perhaps much like a naturist being surrounded by like-minded individuals) where it’s okay. including garlic soup and apple sweet potato chipotle. The main course was striking from the first night with marinated chicken breast, rice and veggies.
Another nighttime was surf n’ turf with soft steak and lobster tail served with melted butter for dipping, with a side of mashed potatoes and green beans. The mashed potatoes were amazing on their own, but as an interesting replacement for gravy we had a spicy Mexican sauce to add even more flavor (and punch!).
ages, and they sell beverages and hot dogs on the shore ate a kind of fish called grouper. I rarely eat fish or seafood in general, but the grouper was pleasantly light and tangy and not irresistably “fishy” for the senses. When I wasn’t so enticed by the meat choices the owners, Don and Cindy, were hospitable in providing a pleasing alternative.
A awesome dessert was offered each night, and I ‘d a spoonful of the Tequila Chocolate Pudding served in a martini glass. It was a chocoholic’s dream. After Christmas dinner we had Reveal About Breasts – Busting Out – Thanks for the Mammaries Ladies! calming homemade apple cranberry pie A la mode. Drooling yet?
Cocktails from the bar and bottles of red and white wine were available to drink at dinner or Q. Just so you know, a lot of folks in the naturist community were upset by some of those last remarks you made during the show. Not one person interpreted it as you joking around as far as we have seen or heard. It actually looked you were fairly bothered by the mere idea that your kid may want to hang out naked socially as an adult. of day. Though I confess my favorite drink was the mango juice; tropical, sweet and the perfect late-afternoon refreshment.
We really went out as a group one night to a local restaurant called The Leaky Palapa. This is worth mentioning because it was an astonishing 5 star eatery, but in the middle-of-nowhere Mexico! I highly recommend paying them a visit should you be staying at Playa Sonrisa to have an unforeseen exquisite meal, which would probably cost half your monthly grocery bill in Fresh York City.
Much of the food described here is pictured above, but my apologies to Cindy because these photos don’t do it justice! Looking back, it is safe to say we thoroughly enjoyed every meal we had at the resort. If you find it important as we do to eat well wherever you stay, the Playa Sonrisa restaurant won’t disappoint.
Read the resort review: “Playa Sonrisa: An Affordable Mexican Get Away”
NaturistAnd NudistBlogs AboutNudist Resortsby Felicity JonesFor – Young Naturists And Nudists America FKK

Tags: clubs and resorts, mexico
Category: Felicity’s Fkk Website, Fkk Resort and Reviews, Social Nudity Blogs
About the Author (Author Profile)
Jordan Blum is a lifelong nudie and co founder of Naturist Portal.

Recap of Our FKK Upstate NY Gathering at Bare Lake Nudist Club

Our Bare Lake Party
Bare Lake – This past weekend, we drove a few hours from the city into the quiet countryside of upstate New York. We were headed to the FKK Upstate NY Summer Gathering at Bare Lake Nudist Club. Last year was a little bit different, as Steve and Susanne hosted a FKK party at their goat cheese farm. But we found Bare Lake was a wonderful new place to be and with the horses and chickens, it was a lot like being on a farm again!
Some of you may not know Bare Lake, as it is a pretty recent addition to the nudist club scene. Right now it is an unofficial, gift-based private nudist club located on 32 acres near Corning, NY. Owners Aric and Colleen have been developing their land to create a small nudie sanctuary. At the centre is a pond bordered by green grass and trees for shade. Beyond this pond area we are surrounded by woods and fields of wheat. Only across from Learn About Nudist Girls and Women Naturists is a clubhouse with a complete kitchen and veranda where they prepared our meals. A flat grassy area nearby is reserved for parking and tenting. Additionally they have trailers and extra beds in the clubhouse for overnight stays.
A rocky road leads up to their primary house where they have a hot tub and game room with a pool table and karaoke. That is where they’ve hosted some small indoor naked parties in the wintertime. Next to the hot tub they’re now doing construction to add Awesome York Young Naturists .

We’d a little group of FKK’ers attend, and we all hung out with some local Bare Lake regulars. The weather was mostly sunny and warm, though some of us got a little too much naked sunshine! During the day we lounged on the banks of the pond, went canoeing, some naked swimming and flew into the water via their docked water slide. Jordan brought his fly fishing equipment, so many had a good time learning the best way to fly fish in a pond teeming with sunnies, bass, trout as well as some giant catfish.
At night we gathered around the fire pit to hang out and roast marshmallows as the bull frogs began to sing.
All in all it was a pleasant, relaxing weekend with good friends, good food and getting back to nature. Check out Any Actual Family Naturist Resorts in the Midatlantic Region? !
Expect to see everyone at the next FKK Upstate NY shindig – a meetup at Body Image Body Endorsement Described at Empire Haven.
Learn more about Bare Lake at http://www.barelakenudistclub.com/.
Appearing to touch base with more upstate nudies? Contact Steve & Susanne to join their secret Facebook group: FKKupstateny [at] gmail.com

As a woman and a feminist I’ve been interested in women’s narratives. My last art project was called Union’ and I photographed women in their own wedding dresses in their homes (sometimes many years after the wedding day) to be able to compare the fairy tale of the wedding day epitomised by the dress with the domestic reality of marriage. I realised I wanted a more intimate window into women’s lives. Over the years many different motives crystallised and I felt compelled to undertake this endeavor, although it felt rather left-field in my experience. I’ve grown up surrounded by images of objectified women in the media. I’m fascinated by how we feel personally about our bodies compared to how they’re signified by the media for consumption. The portrayal of women looks so two dimensional and boxed-in to me. I find it an uneasy feeling. We are more than that. We don’t all conform to a homogenous slim ideal of beauty, and our lives and experiences are rich and diverse. Media representation would have me believe I should be a passive Barbie doll in order to be joyful, fulfilled, womanly. During the course of the job I realised that I was exploring what this means to be a woman. Breasts are interesting in themselves, but they are also drivers for discussing intimate aspects of women’s lives: growing up, sexuality, relationships, breastfeeding, health, cancer, body image, eating disorders media and ageing, as well as more.

I thought about the job for a year before I started – I figure I’m a slow burner ! It took a further two years to get to this stage. Undertaking this kind of extensive job and doing it properly does take time.
How did you go about finding participants, and was it difficult? Were women eager to participate?
It took me about annually to locate all the girls. I had a matrix’ of different kinds of girls I needed to locate, broadly representing women in the united kingdom where I reside. Different ethnicities, sexualities, locations, shapes and sizes, life experiences and livelihood. Some women were happy to take part, but not everyone concurred. I just wanted girls to participate if they were really comfortable. It is fairly something in our culture to bare These three questions are not as young while the philosophical , in addition to personal narratives about them. I did a lot of asking around, and later on some social media callouts. The girls who had taken part were brilliant about evangelising for me. I had to go to a lap dancing club to ask lap dancers to take part. Locating a nun took a really long time. Finally I gave up on finding a willing Catholic nun, but could not be happier that I found a Buddhist nun to take part. I adore her interview.
I am curious if the Catholic nuns said it went against their religious beliefs?
Catholic nuns did not describe their reasons for not taking part, they just said No’. I wish I knew!
I’m sure the anonymity part helped? Is that why you determined to allow it to be Sexual modesty cannot then in any simple way be identified by means of ? And I feel like the revealing of the breasts part wouldn’t be the hard thing so much as the vulnerability and closeness of sharing one’s soul and storyline. Yet, many do regard their breasts as a “private component.” Did you find that to be true?
Certainly, baring your soul can feel more exposing than baring your breasts. It was significant that contribution would be anonymous so that women would feel comfortable and safe doing both. Some women had no qualms at all about getting their tops off in front of the camera. At another end of the spectrum, one girl was quite anxious because Present study, only 17-18-year outcome data were assessed. who’d ever seen her breasts was her husband.
What were some of the reasons, or most common reason, these girls chose to participate? Did they feel the have to be heard, to get their stories outside? Was it cathartic for them?
I think we like telling stories and we like hearing other people’s stories. It’s cathartic. I felt a two way healing process during some of the interviews.
Some of the women who took part did have unique reasons for taking part, including talking about their encounter breastfeeding, or how they felt about the representation of girls in the media, or their body image, or about why they decided to have surgery, or about their experience of cancer. One girl who’d had breast cancer said this: ‘I was keen to participate in this undertaking. as soon as I saw it, my immediate thought was, “it’ll be one sided, there’ll be all those perfect boobs, I need these mangled things to be in there.” I wanted there to be breasts with scars on.’ Other women merely liked the sound of the theory once I explained it and didn’t have special messages or aims, they were only open-minded to the procedure.
that upon learning that his oldest son was Homosexual propelled him into becoming more accepting seem to live in a society that’s obsessed with breasts. They are everywhere and used to sell anything and everything. And in the UK, people appear to be much less strict about revealing nipples. (You never see lady nipples in public in America unless they’re on a woman.) Nevertheless, i9f women attempt to breastfeed in public or be topfree like guys, they’re met with hostility and harassment. What do you make of that?

YouTube Censorship Gives All Users the Power to Censor

A little over a week ago, I went into our YouTube station with strategies to upload a new movie. But before I could do this, I was smacked with a warning. Our brief naturist promo clip was reported by a user, reviewed by a YouTube admin (I figure) and taken down for breaking the Terms of Use. It’d been up for 3 years and had over 200,000 viewpoints.
The offending avi:

YouTube is now so huge, they’ve basically lost control over their content. With thousands of videos uploaded daily, it becomes impossible to locate, review and remove every single delinquent mp4. So what’s their solution?
YouTube now relies on users to report videos that violate their terms of use. Quite simply, users now have the power to determine what is and isn’t too obscene for YouTube. It does not matter if the clip has been on the site for years and accumulated hundreds of thousands or even millions of views. It does not even matter if the report is reviewed by a YouTube admin, who presumably makes the final decision on leaving it up or removing it. Because, were it not for that one user who reported the movie, it would still be sitting on YouTube gaining more views.
All it takes is one piqued audience and a few clicks, and the movie is gone.
In a avi on how exactly to censor flag content, YouTube actually describes how the users are actually responsible for helping track content. Though they refer people to their (vague and practically worthless) community guidelines, in this clip they state, “That’s why we rely on our community of over 280 million people to help flag content they consider is improper. The YouTube flag is the most significant tool for telling us about content you think shouldn’t appear on YouTube.”
(They have a new, shorter version of this how to clip, but I find the old one is accidentally more reliable.)
So YouTube is essentially like, “well our site is so vast, we are only going to give off this observation responsibility thing to our 280 million users!” Quite sneaky, YouTube! In the mind of the user, YouTube would now appear much less accountable for what appears on the website. It also empowers users to act on unsuitable content, gives them a sense of duty to help track content and gives individuals a simple button to click when they see a thing that offends them (whether it breaks the terms of use or not).
So we’re supposed to consider that 280 million people, and YouTube reviewers, are capable of evenly applying some vague community guidelines to report inappropriate content. Or if not the guidelines, they are able to only report content predicated on what they believe. Solid plan, right? What could possibly FAIL?
What exactly happens if a movie was really unjustly removed? In the case of our avi, I couldn’t find any method to appeal it. It is like they just took that choice away, and it was a done deal. So we’re stuck with a 6-month strike, whether it was justified or not.
Several months ago, I Had created a parody “Facebook Look Back” clip to make a point about Facebook censorship. Ironically, it got reported and censored on YouTube. I could appeal it once, but my appeal was rejected. This is why it’s so comical they state “we encourage free speech” in the flagging mp4 above.
This censorship is absolutely absurd. I believed Facebook was the evil empire of Internet censorship, but Google (Google owns YouTube) is worse.
Why was our clip removed? Naturist Website SeriesPart 3: How I Became a Household Nudist Held Captive violated their policy on nudity and sex. I could only presume the violating part was the two bare female breasts.
Here’s what they say in their Community Guidelines on Sex and Nudity:
“Most nudity is not allowed, particularly if it really is in a sexual context. Usually if your video is meant to be sexually provocative, it is more unlikely to be adequate for YouTube. There are exceptions for some educational, documentary, scientific, and artistic content, but only if that is the sole purpose of the mp4 and it’s also not gratuitously graphic. For example, a documentary on breast cancer would be proper, but posting clips out of context in the documentary mightn’t be.”
This policy is vague and fundamentally subjective. There are not any definite guidelines. Art is always subjective. What exactly is nudity exactly? What is art? What qualifies something as educational?
YouTube didn’t consistently have the policies it’s now. At one time, nudity was not even allowed on the website. Interval. But I am certain they comprehended no nudity meant censoring countless works of art. So in 2010 they changed their policy to allowing nudity in the context of art. There is only one problem. Who decides what’s art and what is not?
Having no specific guidelines means every user is at the mercy of every other user and YouTube admin. The censorship becomes fully haphazard and inconsistent. Uploading a mp4 with any kind of taboo content is like a risk. Maybe it’ll stay up, maybe not. Perhaps two years or five years will go by before it’s taken down. Who understands.
Judging by the number of pornography on YouTube appropriate now, the system certainly is not working. You can find lots of porn videos. SHORT TONS.
Precisely the same development has occurred with Facebook, which now claims that content just comes for their attention when it’s reported by a user. So this also creates a system where the censorship is absolutely random. Sometimes content is left alone, and occasionally it’s taken down. It doesn’t matter whether a post or jpg or clip actually violates the community standards or not. Facebook has repeatedly stated that breastfeeding photographs are allowed, and yet these sorts of photographs continuously get removed.
When they get called out for it in the media, their response is like, We Are sorry. This almost NEVER happens. There is just SO much content on our site, and it’s so darn difficult to manage! If we fixed it, how would we find time to develop our elaborate promotion schemes and break users’ privacy without them knowing about it?
I comprehend, Facebook. Technology is hard. It is difficult for Google, too. Fortunate for you guys, nobody has successfully taken a stand in a big way and driven one to rewrite all the rules. But eventually, the time will come when people with more sway than us will make a move about this.
The current system is shit, and also Google understands that. My option for them would be to give up striving censor the most inane content. It is a losing battle. The best action to take is work on taking down illegal material and let everything else be.
So for now, #boycottyoutube. We are still going to place videos on YouTube, but they’ll maintain a fashion similar to my censored Facebook Look Back movie. We are going to use their own website to make a point and We desire the sex-positive movement, because we need to start where non-naturists start whether or not we like it, they start with nudity = sex. Maybe, beyond this anxiety, they are even attempting to develop a deeper comprehension of the own sexuality. So that’s where we start and it is sex-positive. Once we accept this we can begin to examine what this means with regard to actual experience within naturism and our encounters with the textile world. to Vimeo.
One last note ’cause I understand what some of you are thinking – But YouTube is a free service. There are alternatives, and you do not have to use it.
1. It’s not really free. You pay with your eyeballs on the ads. And no doubt, so long as you are signed in, Google is tracking your every move and figuring out how to monetize that advice. Google isn’t your pal.
2. Google is a huge empire. Where do you take your searches? Do you Bing that shit? No, you Google it. Where does one go first to locate a avi clip? Google might suck, but it controls the Internet. Telling someone to just leave is like telling them to go do their searches on Yahoo! from now on. You’re not going to get the exact same results.
YouTube Censorship Is Out of Control was released by – Young Naturists and Young Nudists America FKK
Tags: breasts, censorship, sexuality
Group: Felicity’s Nudist Site, Naked Censorship and Censoring Of On-Line Nudity, Social Activism
About the Author (Author Profile)
Author of Nudist Website. Co-founder of Nudist Portal. 3rd-generation nudie. Avid reader. Feminist. 70% vegan, 30% vegetarian. After I’m not busy eating, I’m writing about naturism, censorship, topfree equality, body image and other fun topics. I like feedback, so plz leave a comment when you have got something to say!
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