Steph’s Pond: A Rustic Naturist Park and Naturist Club Campground in Upstate New York

Guest blog by: Paulette LaRoche
AboutSteph’s Pond Naturist Club:
Steph’s Pond Nudist Nude Campground and Naturist Club – Not far from Lake Ontario, in a small town called Williamson in upstate New York, there is a spot you could drive by each and every day without ever understanding it is a nudist park or a naked campground. You simply have to know it is there.
Getting toSteph’s Pond Nudist Park and Nude CampgroundIn Upstate NY
Steph’s Pond naturistclub is a family friendly nudist park and nude campground. It just opened for the 2013 season on May 1st and is just marked by 4 numbers on a post at the conclusion of the drive.
Drive a minute or so down the dirt path through the wooded land, and you’ll arrive at a house where you must check in. A security camera midway down the drive tips them off to approaching guests, and more often than not, at least one of the hosts will greet you outside.
Steph’s Pond Naturist ParkRates and General Information:
Gary and Judy reside in this house, and about 40 years past, the 65 acres of property were turned into a campground for nude nature-lovers of all ages to appreciate as well. Families ($30), couples ($30), plus some singles ($20) may appreciate a day of being naked in the sun at this carry-in, carry out park in the woods. Go for the day, stay for the weekend, or rent a place if you just want to hang out even more.
There are little cottages, campers, and areas accessible for tents. I can not especially describe the accommodation choices since I never stayed overnight, but I have heard there is no electric, so be sure to ask about this before visiting. Additionally flashlights and lamps are always great to have in the auto.
Steph’s Pond Nudist Naturist Club in Upstate NY
The Grounds, Facilities and Unclothed CampgroundActivities atSteph’s PondNaturist Club in New York
As far as showers and toilets, there’s an outdoor shower, in addition to an outhouse, not really far from Gary and Judy’s house. The outdoor shower has an assortment of shampoos, conditioners, soaps, etc, or you’ll be able to bring your own. The outhousewhere do I begin? I’ve personally never seen an outhouse with leg room! Or style. Or comfort.
Really, this is the most impressive outhouse I Have ever seen. It’s enclosed, but still with the earth as the flooring; decorated; somewhat curved in shape. And the toilet actually flushes, but not like the people in basically every residence. There is a pedal under the bowl. The entire thing is actually something which must be seen to be appreciated.
Hikers will enjoy the delightful scenery, peace, and work out offered up by the trails. Just keep track of your course; I managed to get lost once or twice. Is wandering through the woods not your cup of tea?
Assemble your friends and play some volleyball with the net they have set up in the sun! For individuals who might rather play a game which allows them to hold a beer in one hand the entire time, there is additionally a nearby horseshoe pit.
Getting hungry? Take Q. When most people think of breast reconstruction, they think it’s pretty much exactly the same as breast augmentation. in the games for a snack. There are picnic tables available, or you can find a clearing and have a good old fashioned blanket-style picnic! But ensure that you bring in your own food, as there is absolutely Unclothed in NYC Certainly!! (kinda) – Becoming Naked in New York! on the property.
Naked sunbathing at steph’s pond naturist club in upstate NY
On to my absolute favorite way to relax, and the reason for the name of the park: The POND! Use a fine long stick to push the raft out to the middle of the 2.5 acre pond, kick back, and watch the clouds. Or range out the wildlife!
Birds, fish, turtles, whatever else might be enjoying the pond with you. See and hear nothing but nature (and Judy & Gary’s house!) When the sun gets too hot, there is one specific place of the pond which is perfect for taking a dip. Try not to keep still for too much time, nevertheless, as the fish appear to really appreciate nipping at toes!
Judy also adores flowers, and reveals it by adorning the park with a breathtaking array of them throughout the property. The new Steph’s Pond site ( ) has images of some of what you’ll be able to see when you visit!
VisitingSteph’s Pond NaturistClub

You may have discovered that their site says “invitation only,” which means any interested parties visiting for the first time should call forward and tell Judy or Gary that you plan on stopping by. Additionally tell them how you found out about their position! This can be particularly important for singles.
I am confident they desire to understand that people are visiting with nothing but good intentions. Ask for a short tour when you get there; they will be more than happy to help you find the right path around and answer any questions you may have. Judy is the bubbly brunette with the ever-beaming grin, and Gary is a kind and friendly guy.
I expect to see you all Steph’s Pond Naturist Club after May 1st!
This post about the nudist bare campground – Steph’s Pond Naturist Club was released By Young Naturists and Nudists America
Labels: clubs and resorts, new york
Class: Naturist Resort and Reviews, Social Nudity Blogs
About the Author (Author Profile)
Guest blogs written just for Naturist Portal.

How Can Social Nudity and Naturism Improve Self-Esteem?

Nudism Improves Self-Esteem by Felicity Jones:
Being Nude and Nudism Improves Self-Esteem – I was in the locker room at the Travasuns nude pool party, getting dressed to leave when another girl doing the same started openly lamenting her weight and body. “I must shed weight,” she said, “I wish I looked like you.” My answer was, “Now that is the wrong mentality!”
Have you ever ever had somebody else envy the body, whine about certain parts of the bodies, or judge themselves out loud? They say things like, “I’m so fat,” “I wanna get extremely skinny / I should drop some weight,” “I need to have a level stomach.” I’ve undoubtedly spent an excessive amount of time attempting to convince friends with low self esteem that they weren’t “fat,” that their body and size were “ordinary,” and that they didn’t need to lose weight.
But it’s not that simple to alter how other people feel about their bodies. Some people, when they look in the mirror, begin judging and criticizing themselves about every little bit of flab and defect. They don’t see what you see when they look in the mirror.
You may think that since I grew up as a nudist that I’d have great self-esteem and effortlessly feel good about my body. I did spend many of my summers in social nudism, but the rest of the year I was living in the textile world. I read fashion and beauty magazines and still felt pressure to look great, wear trendy clothing and makeup in school. I was really shy and insecure (admittedly still only a little shy occasionally). I was and still am slender, but that didn’t keep me from judging my own body and living with a fear of becoming fat.
I had this awful mental habit of comparing my own body to those of other girls, from the ones I saw in real life to the versions in the magazines, to determine what I should seem like. Am I as scrawny as she is? Do I have cellulite? Are my thighs too fat? I wish I had straighter lines in my personal figure like her. My friend, who also grew up as a naturist, developed an eating disorder in school, in spite of her deep engagement in nudism. It just goes to exhibit how invasive the skinny=beautiful thought is. Also, did anyone enter faculty in fear of gaining the “Freshman 15”? It does not even exist.
Nudism Improves Self-Esteem
The reality is that it does not matter what your size is or what you look like if your head has been infected with a sense of inadequacy. Individuals of any shape and size can feel nasty, insufficient and big-boned, and so many young women (and men, but less so) are obsessed with getting skinny.
That is what today’s beauty and fashion magazines are counting to earn money, from girls especially. Introducing Your Significant Other to Nudism By Nudie Lee , Ashley Judd, for recently standing up against the ridiculous puffy-face accusations and using it for discussion about the objectification of women. Read her letter here. She brings up an excellent point: women judge each other and participate in patriarchy, also!
But wait! You do not have to listen to all those messages telling you you are not good enough, need to diet, or need plastic surgery! I need to share this amazing avi from Laci Green, sex-positive blogger and sex-ed teacher, about having better self esteem. Her advice can make a difference. Give up beauty, fashion, and gossip magazines. Most women’s magazines are totally focused on beauty / weightloss guidance (based on the premise which you’re never good enough), together with selling the products to help you with that.
Do not even be fooled by the ones that print a small body-positive content because the rest of the magazine will contradict it. There are a number of good magazines out there, however. I recommend Break magazine and Bitch magazine. Regardless of what magazine you’re reading, it is great to remind yourself that all images on its pages have already been airbrushed, edited and photoshopped (unless they expressly say that they don’t participate in this practice). You are not looking at reality.

Also be aware of what you watch on TV. Discover which TV shows make you feel more self conscious or induce negative ideas about your own body. Muffle the TV when commercials come on. You do not understand what messages you are subconsciously picking up from advertisements while you’re sleeping or otherwise occupied.
Attempt to cease judging your own body and others’ bodies. Cutting out the negative self-talk I mention above can make an impact. Discover next time you end up engaging in “fat talk” with your pals. Simply decide never to do this anymore. Tell your friends it only makes you and them feel awful. Change the subject. Start noticing your internal thoughts chatter, also, because you can learn to control your ideas.
If A Night Of Nudism At The Museum Of Sex find yourself criticizing somebody else’s body, nullify that idea and find a lovely component instead. You wouldn’t want someone criticizing you like that, would you? By judging others, you’re dis-empowering them and yourself. Whenever a negative thought comes up, change it to some favorable one. Tell yourself that you do not want to believe these thoughts anymore. Produce a couple positive statements (aka avowals) that you could say to yourself every day, such as: My body is an excellent body. I ‘m proud of what my body can do. I adore and value myself. The best method to do that is to begin with statements that you don’t have a hard time believing.
For instance, “I adore my body” might too much to begin with. Your thoughts yak might say, “No, I actually despise it!” So you could start with something else like, My body deserves love, or, It Is alright to love myself now as I continue to evolve. You can even use statements that you just do not consider just yet, and as they say, “fake it til you make it.” Be gentle with yourself. It takes a little time to eliminate negative thinking, especially when you have been duplicating particular ideas for a long time.
See here for more avowal thoughts. Use whichever ones resonate with you!
And my favourite piece of advice from Laci: Get Naked! If you’re not a naturist, you can start going naked at home. Afterward, I think among the BEST ways to feel good about yourself would be to see the lovely, uncensored bodies of people in real life who are confident and cozy just as they’re. This is one reason I love naturism.
You may also read Laci’s tips here.
Like this? Take a look at my posts, “Why Women Should View Other Women’s Naked Bodies” and “How To Look Good Naked.”
This post about how Nudism Improves Self-Esteem was published by – Young Naturists And Naturists America FKK
Tags: body image, eating disorders, fat shaming, feminism
Type: Body Image Sites, Felicity’s Nudist Site, Naturism and Naturism, Social Activism, Social Nudity Sites
About the Author (Author Profile)
Author of Nudist Blog. Co founder of Nudist Portal. 3rd-generation nudie. Avid reader. Feminist. 70% vegan, 30% vegetarian. When I’m not active eating, I’m writing about naturism, censorship, topfree equality, body image and other fun topics. I like comments, so plz leave a comment when you’ve got something to say!

Poland – the Bare Europe Venture Starts

The Bare Europe Trip Begins!
Bare Europe – On Monday I arrived in Poland. The so-called “New Europe.” Where a new naturist federation formed two years ago.
Thirty kilometers from the airport in Wroclaw (Yes, you read me right. Kilometers. I don’t have any idea how far that is and yes that’s the letter “L” with a line through it. Interestingly it sounds like a “W” whereas the first “W” in the name of that town sounds like a “V” while the second “W” sounds like an “F” and the “C” sounds like the “ts” in the word “cats” giving you – never mind. Welcome to Europe.) I located a Polish-style used car lot. It was six cars parked along the side of the road. Pieces of xerox paper taped to the interior of the windows spelled out the make, the model, and some numbers with commas in between them that I do not quite comprehend. None of the automobiles had radios. Where a radio should have been were wires sticking out in every way. I used ton’t inquire.
Among the six cars was the auto my uncle had suggested I purchase. It was a Ford Mondeo, which over the phone had sounded like Fort Monday, oh! I had never heard of this kind of car. It wasn’t something I thought Ford would make. I was frightened Garrison was more than a phonetic mishandling. Like the Somy television I ‘d once watched where the soccer player’s trousers was stretched out two feet behind him. Yet there was the symbol. Just like in America. Ford. Means to Have A Sex Positive Outlook .
Rental Car for the Naked Europe Excursion
I passed on the Mondeo. In town I found an Escort for sale from 1997. Same Ford Logo. Same xerox paper taped to the window. This one had something different. It had a radio. Air conditioning. Power windows. The mileage read 50,000. I comprehended the odometer had just five digits. Clever.

I took the Escort for a test drive. The owner said his wife had used it to visit her parents. She didn’t want it anymore. The wheels squeaked but otherwise the car managed itself well. The engine stalled twice but that’s not ususual when you’re estimating a vehicle’s manual transmission for the very first time. It’s something you need to get used to.
I agreed to purchase the automobile. I drove it myself down to the bank so I could draw cash. The man took cash for an extremely particular reason that I am going to not get into but sadly after I came back to the car and attempted to unlock the door the key would not work. My uncle called up the guy. He forgot to tell us the lock on the driver’s side was busted. To open the door on the passenger side you had to jiggle the key a certain way. He drove down to the bank to show us. We bargained down the cost a bit. (It looked like a lot more on paper. Reference previously.) Cash changed hands.
I took the car to your garage to get it inspected. Everything looked good. The mechanics told me I got a good deal. Until the auto went up on the raise. They saw the rotten area behind the wheel. They began jabbing at it. A hole formed. It got larger. Half the framework ended on the floor. My uncle suggested I take it to another mechanic. “The sort you do not have to pay,” he said, winking. I used ton’t understand what he meant. But I am happy he’s my godfather.
Shoddy A/C Knob
I went to buy insurance. It turns out the previous owner wasn’t only shunning his inlaws. His wife had caused an injury. The premium on the Ford Escort had gone sky-high. Funny how that hadn’t been mentioned. After I went to see the new automobile mechanic he gave me the terrible news. The engine stalls when it’s chilly. Here I thought it was my clumsiness with the clutch. He says it is not even worth fixing. I said never mind. I got behind the wheel. I turned on the air conditioning. Thank God it works. I went to turn it off. The knob broke off in my hand.
Peninsula is more than safe; it is totally friendly, service-oriented, and is not the New Bare Europe. For that we have to locate some naturists.
Naturist Blogs For Young Naturists And Young Nudists America FKK
Tags: europe, poland
Category: Naturism and Naturism In Europe, Social Nudity Websites

Nude Promotion and Marketing the Northeast Naturist Festival on Main Street USA

A Nude Advertising Experiment
Last summer at FKK Upstate NY we determined to attempt a cross cultural ( nudie / non-nudie ) experiment. We desired to get the word out about the coming Northeast Naturist Festival which we at However, there’s one difficulty I’ve found with some of those galleries – they cover up the nude bodies. Either the people are wearing bras and panties or placed a certain manner or the models truly cover specific parts with their arms or hands. attended and did four successful workshops there.
So the nude promotion experiment we decided to attempt is public marketing of the event. We took two sorts of fliers out and went door to door (Main Street businesses) to spread them. One flier had a nudie group image of 50 nude participants from this past year’s occasion. Another flier had only text describing the event in general terms, and a line at the bottom explaining that it would be held at a naturist park. We solicited passers-by and went to three kinds of establishments and asked permission to exhibit the fliers within their stores / places of business. In addition to the random passers-by, the three types of businesses approached were:
1) Local Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farms. These farms typically have significantly more than a hundred families and individuals who see weekly. They are like mini-communities. They’re generally of First time Bare in a Social Setting at a Naked Beach in South America , more liberal mindset in relation to the general public. A lot of nuts and yogurt’ bunch, and granola heads, etc.
2) Main Street retail stores selling various goods, visited by most people.
3) Decidedly option, or hippie stores, visited by well . . . mostly hippies, or alternate types.

Naked Advertisements & Promotion Naturism
The reactions were enormously different and a bit surprising. The CSA owners, who one would think are of the general right mindset to be open for nudism / nudity (natural, open-minded, back to nature, healthy food etc.) were visibly surprised, even rather shocked I could say, at our request. It was as if they had never learned of naturism at all, and the thought of nudity place them ill at ease. They’d not show the flier with nudity for concern with backlash from parents / children. They admitted most people would be open to it, but they simply feared the ten percent that wouldn’t. It would be terrible for business.
The mainstream type shops were also taken aback and surprised about the flier with nudity – they could not get past the nudie picture to even contemplate the actual nature of the event. But when presented with the text-based flyer – no bare image – they were really open and I had no trouble getting five flyers into mainstream / road shops for display – even when I certainly explained it was a NUDIST occasion. I got lots of grins, friendly responses, and prompt cooperation.
Passers-by on the street – I just approached them naturally and confidently. I just stated, Here is something maybe you are interested in – it’s our annual unclothed stock!’ I was met with friendly grins, chuckles, and more general interest than doubt. I noticed that my assurance was fulfilled with a confident outcome. Folks ordinarily thanked me for the information, and signaled they would actually think about it and perhaps attend. Would they? Maybe some will as time goes on. Certainly next time they encounter something to do with naturism they will recall a positive, assured dialog, and so hopefully be more open.
Finally, as one would expect, all the hippie / alternative organizations agreed without hesitation to display the flier with the naked pic. One man even said, “That Is how I prefer to be [nude] . . .” She put out a whole batch of the fliers right on the front counter. Actually they all did!
Well, what did we learn from this little activity? First a disclaimer – my sample set wasn’t enormous – so data are out of the question. Nonetheless, sociologically speaking it was a valuable learning experience, and interesting. Here are some conclusions:
1) Do not be afraid to talk openly and confidently about naturism. Most people, even if surprised, settle down and are surprisingly OPEN. If you are assured, and symbolize naturism as the healthy normal and enjoyable task it’s, they’re going to resonate with exactly the same openness. Should you be tentative, timid, fearful, or seem embarrassed they will not accept naturism. It is funny, because as a farmer and horse proprietor I will let you know it’s the same with your livestock. If you ride your horse with panic the horse is scared and spooky. If you ride with confidence the horse learns to trust you and is confident in response to your queues.
2) As I address in my own fourth sex favorable blog, “in your face” activism is frightening, even shocking, and offensive to many. They want the choice and freedom to determine how they want to view and respond to nudity – they do not want it shoved within their faces. If you give them that alternative (fliers without unclothed pictures) they are open, and you’ve got a great chance of winning them over. If you attempt to force nudity, (photographs or perhaps live, in the incorrect context), you get a LOT more resistance, and perhaps you are turning folks away. Remember, people desire the same alternative you desire – no one likes to be dragged against their will to anything, especially if it is as sensitive as nudity.
3) In my first sex-positive site I talked about nudie/non-nudie, conversation as “cross-cultural.” I learned quite clearly from this experiment, that we must be genuinely culturally sensitive in how we approach the general public. There isn’t any consistent “mainstream America.” America consists of unending ethnic niches. One must learn to identify them and customize the way we present naturism and nudity to them, as a way to gain more people for naturism. A “one size fits all” strategy is just not appropriate. The hippie / alternative establishments reacted very differently than a retail outlet, or CSA, aimed at the general public. In like fashion it really is different being unclothed in Central Park vs. Wall Street. We can do a lot of good, or lots of damage, by the way we “read” the ethnic market we are addressing.
I hope these ideas encourage one to be more active in winning individuals for naturism, and allow you to think about how you do it, so as to be most powerful. A lot of this is based on the theory’ I am laying out in my own sex positive blogs, so check those out – they will help place more context for this discussion, and future blogs I will be planning.
FKK Upstate NY will be attending the Northeast Naturist Festival and doing a workshop again in 2013. The festival will take place from July 29 – August 3, 2014 at Empire Haven in Moravia, The Big Apple.
Young Naturists and Naturists America
Tags: activism, youngsters and kids, clubs and resorts, culture, festivals, hippies, NY, unclothed photographs
Category: Naturist Website, Public Nudity and Being Nude In Public, Societal Activism
About the Writer (Author Profile)
We’re Steve and Susanne, leaders of the FKK Upstate New York Chapter. We enjoy the independence, relaxation, and healing power of naturism, and have an interest in sharing our experiences with others. Please see our Facebook page to get acquainted or join in any of our activities.

My Coming at Sauna Cezar Naturist Resort Poland

Naturist Resort Poland – There was no indication for the Polish nudist resort Sauna Cezar.
Arriving at the gate I waved politely into the camera. When the gate started to roll back I waved again. As I drove towards the house I hardly detected the drive heading down to the right. This as I learned later was the road to the guest house and the trailer. I parked in front of the garage. Peter, the guy whom I ‘d talked to on the phone, came out through the front door. He was a tall Dutchman whose Polish I strained to understand. I asked him if he spoke English. He said it was just as poor as his Polish.

Sauna Cezar – Naturist Resort Poland
Peter took me inside. We passed by a staircase to the right and walked down to the door at the opposite end of the hall. This led to a longer hallway set perpendicular to the first. He led me to the right and showed me two locker rooms. Certainly one of them had an upright tanning booth. The other a sofa. Peter walked into the room with the sofa and pushed back a mirrored panel to show a wall of lockers. He opened one up for me. Then he led me in the other direction, past other doorways, turned the corner, showed me the sauna and the frigidarium, headed down a fresh hall to your spiral staircase which led up to the pool, the jacuzzi and the solarium.
I marveled at everything – especially the mosaics – sharing my ideas with Peter as I followed him back downstairs and back through the door that led back to the hall with the staircase now to the left. Peter went up the stairs and I absentmindedly started following him upward. He stopped, shook his head and pointed back to the door. “You try the sauna, yes?” I recognized I was trespassing into the residential part of Didn’t say “reintroduce” but “introduce” (See Cardiner, AAW p. 191). . I nodded my head and went back down the stairs. It was after all a family business. Family boundaries must be honored. I listened as Peter began climbing up the stairs calling, “Gosia, Gosia.”
I was left on my own. I went to the locker room and began to undress. I was nude when realized I hadn’t brought a towel. Seeing no towels on display I put Clearly, everybody has different comfort levels and I can not actually make a statement to understand what’s best for individuals, but I’ve never heard anything bad come from a man who has tried out being nude. I don’t think it tends to make anybody feel worse about their bodies if they are coming from a location of already feeling awful. on and tried to head back to the automobile. I got lost. All the doors looked the same. One opened up into a massage parlor. Another shown the boiler room. I located a toilet at some point but sadly I did not have to use it. I might find yourself searching through the doorways again later with only a dim memory that there was indeed a bathroom somewhere in this dungeonous tunnel.
I mentioned it was a pity that there were not any instructions posted for people who are not comfortable with naturist sauna technique. I was guaranteed that there were really directions posted and was asked how it was possible that I ‘d missed it. I was guided from the sauna and revealed a small framed series of animations depicting short, round creatures with hairy backs alternately showering and entering the sauna or pool. I laughed. It was not something any American could ever consider to be in the slightest sense insightful. It’s a cartoon. Americans laugh at cartoons. They don’t learn from them.
Americans in Europe, beware the cartoon. It might be the only hint you’re going to get.
Sauna Cezar Naturist Nudist Resort Poland
Naturist Sites For Young Naturists And Young Nudists by Young Naturists And Nudists America FKK
Tags: clubs and resorts, europe, poland
Group: Naturism and Naturism In Europe, Social Nudity Sites
About the Writer (Author Profile)

Update 10/2015: There’s no link to read Ms. Hall’s complete blog post because it appears to have been deleted from her web site at

Guest Nudist Site Post About Girls and Nude Selfies – Released By Young Naturists and Nudists America FKK
Tags: culture, girls, modesty, selfies, social standards, teenagers
Class: Body Image Blogs, Nude Censorship and Censoring Of On-Line Nudity, Sex Positive and Sexuality, Social Activism
About the Writer (Author Profile)
Erik Jakobsen works in Awesome York City, lives in Fresh Jersey and has been an avid fkk for 25 years. He is a frequent contributor to FKK’s sites. Dick Pics Interview With Artist Soraya Doolbaz About Dicture Gallery & Dressing Up Humorous Dick Graphics
Arty and Funny Dick Pics by Soraya Doolbaz

Arty Humorous Dick Pics – I’ve talked about the cock pic phenomena before and speculated on why so many men are sending picturesof their members to lovers, friends and strangers online.
Cock pics try so hard to get our focus and be alluring, yet they’re so frequently unwanted, badly do and anything but sexy. Now one artist is attempting to alter the whole dickscape with her “Dicture” artwork.
Soraya Doolbaz pictures penises dressed up in miniature outfits. It’s sort of tasteful and hilarious at precisely the same time, and that’s the entire point.
Soraya created the idea while laughing over cock pics with her buddies and says on her website, “I thought it’d be amusing to treat penis pics like a high fashion photo shootMy target with all this was to get folks laugh.”
I was interested in Soraya’s exceptional art, so I reached out to her to discuss members and dick pics, and her encounters in photographing this taboo body part.
Dick Pictures by Soraya Doolbaz, creator of Dicture Gallery
You have talked about receiving cock pics yourself. Were they unsolicited or you’ve asked for them?
Mainly unsolicited but some requested. If we were already in a relationship and comfortable with each other I ‘d ask for it.
I find penis pics are a great way to keep things hot in a long distance relationship.
How do you feel about receiving unsolicited cock pics?
I have found it really amusing that this was even a move / play to get my attention. I was embarrassed for them. The worst is when a guy sends exactly the same dick pic twice.
Some men pull out a black Amex [credit card] and pay for dinner. Some men send a penis pic. At the end of the day, they are simply attempting to impress us.
“Here’s Willy” from Dicture Gallery by Soraya Doolbaz Funny Dick Pic Art
I’d agree that lots of guys are trying to impress when they send a dick pic, and cock pics can be amusing but at the same timeit is commonly a type of sexual harassment and I know lots of women (and guys) do not need to be on the receiving end of this type of aggressive behaviour from strangers. So would you agree on the value of penis pic etiquette and reducing this harassment?
My Dicture Etiquette – Top 6 rules you should follow when taking a picture of your penis:
1. Time is many, be at the top of high end Caribbean . A premature dick pic is a sure fire way to destroy a potential relationship. Please don’t send a cock pic before your first date. Once you’re comfortable with your partner and have been cozy, a cock pic can be a really hot way to place a smile on your partner’s face.
2. Lighting – You want sufficient lighting so we can see the cock. A spot light using a lamp is frequently recommended. A shine on the point is an added plus.
3. Angle – Unless requested, best to keep the balls out of it. Your balls are probably much less mouthwatering as you think they’re.
4. Firmness – Go for the full erection. Lax cocks are more challenging to photograph for a hot picture. If you’re not feeling that turned-on, set your chub away and take your phone out when you’re a bit more into it.
5. Backdrop – Women notice everything! Clean your room or find a clean corner in your place for the photo shoot. If you are feeling frisky after a large dump, flush the toilet before you begin the shoot.
6. 10 Myths About Naturism and Naturists – don’t send exactly the same photo twice. We know you have your go-to but she has that picture, you already sent it. Additionally, it makes us question whether it is actually your dick. Or maybe you’re sending this to a lot of girls and you can’t keep track. Either way, no bueno.

Getting Some Nude Body Painting In Times Square

On a sunny Wednesday afternoon in late July, several nudies including myself assembled in Manhattan. We prepared to get naked for among the few times public nudity is allowed in NYC: for a live art exhibition!
We, FKK, had partnered up with Andy Golub for a group body painting session at the outer edges of Times Square, 53rd and Broadway. Ten people participated, including a guy who offered from the crowd.
Overall the day went very well, but not without its fair share of trouble from city officials, police officers and security guards. First some people came over asserting the sidewalk we were on was their property (it was not), so Andy had to cope with them. Then we had some plainclothes police officers come over, shouting and demanding that I set my clothes on.
I just kind of stared and continued to get painted. After verifying they were actually officers, Andy retrieved some documents he carries with him, for situations just like this. They calmed down and began reading a letter which clarifies that nudity is completely legal in NYC if it’s part of an exhibit or show.
This letter also states that he has express permission from NYPD to do his body painting. They said ” Naturist TV Casting Call and left us alone. This really is not a one time event for Andy, who gets bothered and harassed all the time while doing his live body paintings, despite the fact that he has permission and that it is 100% legal.
Body Painting with FKK by Andy Golub, pic by Dave Hoffman
There was a bunch of onlookers at all times, but in this region, it was much tamer than when I got body painted at the center of Times Square. People honed in a little too closely at times, but it was modest enough to control.
We took off our tops to begin, Andy painted, and then we continued to take off the remainder. It is the first summer that Andy has painting nude folks in the day.
He previously had an agreement with the city to only paint models in g strings until sunset. With a new lawyer, they managed to eliminate this unjust deal, and today he can paint naked people at any time of day (which was always legal).
Once we were all painted, we took a slow walk down to the busier part of Times Square, weaving through the swarms of folks. We stopped for a few jpg ops, shows off together in front of a parking garage, a Starbucks window, and other areas. The coffee shop patrons seemed happy to see us.
Dan of FKK KC Reviews the Heartland Naturists of Kansas City were generally positive. I believed it was wonderful that we had such a varied group of models – fat, skinny, young, old, of different shapes, sizes and ethnicities. Nude (or nearly-naked) people in the media all essentially represent one look, one race, one body type. We need more diversity in this way!
I asked the models themselves for comments about the complete encounter, and here’s what they had to say:
“This was the formation of body art [while] talking with, laughing with, flashes with, merely having fun with the bunch. I’ve been a performer for quite a long time, and this was probably the most thrilled and appreciative crowd I Have ever had. It was indescribably entertaining. I ‘d do it again in a heartbeat.” Mr. Sandy

“As you may understand from my blog, I feel quite comfortable nude and I ‘ve been to numerous events that included total body painting, but doing it at Times Square brings this experience to the next level. It took some time to get used to maintain the center of attention of heaps of folks, but the general atmosphere of fun and encouragement caused it to be easy to enjoy it! Clearly, many folks were curious about what was occurring, and you could see all kinds of reactions but nearly all were favorable.
Many folks were surprised to find out it was totally legal. It was amusing to hear that even when individuals were baffled in the beginning, they immediately approved the event just as they heard the magic word ‘art’ – Why are we so attached to labels? Luckily, some folks noticed another important factor of the body art occasion the models were of different ages and body complexions, which certainly boosted body acknowledgement; and could there be any better place for that than Times Square? ” -Kirill
However, not all the reactions were favorable. Not long after the body painting, our good friend Maria received an anonymous letter. It was an appalling attack on her size and look. It read:
“Now that the dust of the body painting high you were in is over its time someone told you the truth. Nobody said you were beautiful or which you look amazing because you did not. As a matter fact most people who saw your pictures looked away in disgust. You paraded yourself as a nudist/model for the entire world to see; in reality, you were a sideshow act right from a 19th century carnival freak show.

many, be on top of high-end Caribbean

clothing-optional resorts.

On arrival guests, most of whom are
couples, discover a carefully prepared room
featuring chilled champagne and a double
Jacuzzi full of hot water and topped
with rose petals. Hidden Beach’s general
Supervisor of nine years, Paula Negrete, said
that as of autumn 2010, “All the rooms are
brand new with awesome king size beds and
Fresh amenities like plasma televisions.”
8 | Nude & Natural 30.1

The tempo of Hidden Beach unfolds
in a soft, easy, and relaxed movement. The
focus of excitement each day is a late-morning, bouncy water volleyball game. That is
about all the delight guests seek as they
escape the pressure of their daily lives and
Love being fully cared for by the staff.

The site is also visually stunning, with
ocean waves breaking, shadows of palms
on the deck, in addition to the flowers and
plants accentuating the manicured grounds.
For many guests, this is the definition of

The 42 units can be found on two wings
that framework the central pool pub and dining
area, a layout that brings folks together
and boosts long lasting friendships.
Folks talk to each other here, in the two
Oversize hot tubs, in addition to around the
pool and pub. Throughout the day, the

incrediby well-trained staff engages guests
in delightfully friendly manners, for example supplying your favored beverage the moment you
arrive at your beach chair, or greeting you
by Get Your Youthful Naturist Membership To FKK TODAY! after only one assembly.

Negrete explained the importance
Hidden Beach places on its customer service. “The staff is the same year by year.
We have employees who’ve been working for Hidden Beach for ten years before
the hotel reopened in 2010. That also
makes the atmosphere of the resort. The
staff understand the guests by name, as well as
their individual needs. What we do is have
a file of all the guests by their last names
with a record of their requests. If you’re a
new guest, we open a file for you from the
first day you arrive until the last day.”

She continued. “For example, we
Understand that one guest adores champagne, so

because of that we
gave her an extremely fine bottle last
Nighttime. Another loves drinking Baileys
Irish Cream. That is something that we
can increase our merchandise. When the guest
has a special needs request, of course we
Strive Meet Dan of the fresh FKK Kansas City Naturists to surpass their expectation”.
With the remodel in 2010, the waterfront palapas are extended down
the shore to provide quiet and private
space for those wishing it. The hammock
Region is another new addition offering quiet
and a level of isolation under a canopy of
trees. The 2010 addition of the wide
Moonlight Palapa, with its bar, dancing
floor, and a super-sized hot tub allows
guests to dance or soak the night away.
Swimming at Hidden Beach is more
a instance of wading in either the pool or the
ocean, with guests enjoying a walk in the
artificial river winding outside the rooms,
or seeing what the ocean offers on the
shallow, safe beach place.
While there’s no need to ever leave
the resort or place on your clothes, most
guests see Hidden Beach’s sister fabric
resort, El Dorado Seaside. Located next
door, Seaside offers six eatery options
from the formal and gourmet to casual
Outside dining, all of which are contained
in the Hidden Beach all-inclusive package. Yucatan day tours of all kinds can be
Reserved at the Seaside tour desk, but for
most, Hidden Beach is the only destination desired.
And guests merely keeping coming back.
One guest in particular, who everyone
Understands as “Bob,” has been to Concealed
Plage a resort-record 28 times. Many
other guests report that they are regular
visitors and see no reason to go anywhere
else. When asked why they keep coming back, they all have the same reply,
pointing to Hidden Beach’s little size, the
friendly staff who know them by name,
and the exceptional food.
Negrete is proud of what Hidden

Plage provides. “The atmosphere in this
part of the Caribbean is lovely and
peaceful. The feeling that we offer
here is like a club. Everybody fulfills each
other and during the week they relax and

worth the pric
tion area well

Spring 2009 | 11

8 | Nude & Natural 27.2

make friends. When they come back here,
they feel like they’re home and are part of
our family.”

With prices ranging between $250 to
$300 per person per night (depending on
booking times and available discounts), by
Naturist resort standards Hidden Beach is
High-priced. Nonetheless, given the all inclusive
food and beverages, the selection of seven
Eateries between Hidden Beach and
El Dorado Seaside, and impeccable happy
service, it’s worth it, and something that
naturists should try to treat themselves to
at least once. But be warned, if you come
once, you’ll be back!
Travel South to Tulum
When you tell people which you’re going
to Mexico, they most often react with
concern for your security. The Yucatan

Naked For Idea – By Melissa

( By: Melissa Dejanude )
Nude for Idea – Nudistory
Naked for Idea – Nudistory
Over BtoB: I enjoy those posts too. They’re usually the ones that I feel extremely emotional about on a private level. I wrote the commentary about Kasey Edwards and then panicked because I realized it was maybe too personal or did not fit with my job but after a little while I realized everything I DO is personal when it comes to this and my feelings on that were no different. , individuals have battled with the independence to wear or not to wear.
Though there are reasons backing up the importance of clothing in civilization, there are still some gaps in History where nudity was prohibited without reasoning by means of morality or classification.
Might it be possible there’s a deep religious conflict that revolves around nudity?
Unclothed for Thought – Body Language
“The universal language is body language.”
Could it just be possible that we’d have better foreign communications, less political competition and greater peace if we all didn’t decorate ourselves with attire and other body distractions to separate us from one another in culture?
Nude for Thought – Phobic Oppression
“Nudity is a natural independence which is usually oppressed due to the fear of being insulted or Young Nudism – What Should Young Nudists Do? of another being offended.”
Can you feel it’s wrong to walk around nude in spite of someone else or to just not care about if that person would become uncomfortable or hurt? Whether you do, can you also believe your reaction to their reaction may be helping or hindering the liberty of social nudity?
Unclothed for Idea – Indentification
Naked For Thought
“People wear clothing to identify themselves: chefs, gardeners, sports athletes, cyclists, secretaries, supervisors; however, folks who do the same occupations as those who wear the uniform are alone called nudists.”
What exactly do we put the categorization onthe clothing or the person?
Nude for Idea – Author’s Story
Unclothed for Idea

“The body naturally tells the story about the life of its author without words, whether it be covered with layers of beautification, labels of expression, inked in types of art or just scarred through wounds once defeated.”
Bare for Thought – Play Naked
Play Nude
“It is legal for kids in the state of California to be nude in public places up to the age of 10. This law is rarely examined and when it is, kids can still be told by a public figure to set their clothes on when someone whines.”
Would you believe our society would react differently to simple nudity if it was more generally accepted with children in public places? Would you feel it’s okay to allow your child to play nude at any public beach if they are of legal age?
Bare for Thought – Family Funds
Newborn Baby